Chapter 1

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Opening his eyes he steered them to the left only to see the clock reading four in the morning, he groans out loud annoyed as he gets up from his not so comfy bed as he made his daily morning routine. Taking a quick shower, brushing his teeth, making his hair in such a way to not be a complete mess, quickly grabbing a bite of whatever he has left in his fridge before moving out for work. This was the routine he had to go through daily in order to provide himself with such a small wage that he barely could've go by.

Meet Octavius Watts, just your average guy standing at 22 years old and he still didn't made himself a career that he could be proud of. His eyes were green, showing up the false happiness he has to put up for people in order to still have some social activity in his daily life, his hair was short and dark, quite a hassle to handle if not cut regullary. He has a slim build and stands at 5'5 FT, he was never bothered by his height, even though many made fun of him because of that.

Dispite having to deal with such a rough life, he's usually friendly and speaks only when necesarry, obeying the rules and not trying anything extreme to bring some joy in his life. Some people could say he's a calm and reasonable person, other say that he's an weirdo and selfish person, but no one bothered to actually get to know him at all. Unfortunately for him, he spent his life mostly alone, he doesn't have that many friends, in fact he barely has any to begin with since in high school he was the quiet kind of guy.

Even though he has lived this way since he has graduated high school four years ago, he isn't exactly bothered by it, although he tries his best to earn as much money as possible he just can't earn more to provide him with better clothes, a better phone perhaps, a better apartment. Arriving at his workplace he was greeted by his brand new manager, who had a bright smile on her face and it was a genuine one "My my aren't you quite young? what is a young lad like you doing here?" she asks in a deep voice, yet soothing one.

Octavius sighs under his breath and speaks up "Ma'am I just need money like everyone else.. this is the best I can do at the moment, so can I please start working?" not exactly satisfied with his answer she gave in "Since it's your first day it will be more like an tour as of where you are needed to clean" have I forgot to mention that his job is a janitor? it's exhausting yes.. and pays little to no money.. but Octavius really has no other choice in terms of jobs, the lack of experience is his biggest problem.

Moving away from Octavius we move towards fire and brimstone. People were rioting against the government for the lack of payment, very high taxes, banning different lots of things "All you know is to steal from us! you fucking disgusting pesks!" yells a man while trying to breach through the blocade of policemen but to no avail "You brought the country to the ground! why are there so many politicians?! why must you ban such useful creations?!" things are getting heated in the riot process as policemen are forced to use their spray pepper on more and more people.

Why are things getting such a dark turn and mainly, why is everyone drove with rage? why is the government doing absolutely nothing to prevent such problems? that my friend is related to when the Darciatic Robotic War happened, all the way back in the year 2082. At the time the government managed to create Robots with an AI so complex that it could've surpass the thinking of a human being, everyone was skeptical about such improvement in society since all it needed was the AI to malfuction and they could've taken over the humans.

But it wasn't like that, there was no malfunction, no flaws in the creation of AIs, absolutely nothing broke down in them while they were used to do different tasks. After everyone realized how much of a help the robots can actually be they started to be comfortable around them, not only the AI were very smart but they didn't require basic needs like a normal human would, meaning that they could've worked constantly without a worry in the world. Being treated as literal slaves wasn't what brought rage into the robots, but people who only had bad intentions.

The company who created the AIs and overall had control over them got attacked by multiple groups of terrorists, police couldn't get in time to stop all of the criminals, this resulting them killing all the people in the company and destroying any necessary equipment that required controlling the AI's, and instead they planted their own equiptment into the ground at an attempt to hack the robots, which worked just fine after they managed to crack their systems.. and this is how the Darcitian AI war occured.

The company, even though it was not at fault for getting attacked by the terrorists, got instantly shut down after humans managed to win the machine war, which brought an end to an era of robots. However since humans are evolving by each day that it passes, even though sometimes it's backwards, humanity will always try to search for the easiest and fastest solution, and so another company raised up from the ground with the name of Gorwire & Mechanical setup of Androids, a company with such a lame name but with such an awesome result.

The Darcitian AI war happened in year 2082 as stated previously, the new company raised in 2104, and their first product released in the year of 2110. The product was an android that was looking like a human but to some extent, even if their bodies were like human, talked like humans, moved as smooth as humans, their looks had the mechanical touch to it. While everyone was not bonding about about the androids... the company managed to convince them that nothing were able to crack open their mindset which would result into another AI war.

How they did it? they grabbed the smartest men alive at that time which one of them was also a hacker and made them crack into the android's AI system, which even after whole hours they were still unsuccesful. Hell they even tried with terrorist equipment but nothing worked.. the metal people even broke the equipment to fight against it. The androids not only represented basically a human, but it made the human themselves be more comfortable around them and genuinely treat them as their own family member since they were just humans but with a different set of skin. But good things will never last long and soon enough people started using their stupidity to exploit the androids, this resulting in many countries banning them.

Now moving to the current year which is 2146, Androids are banned all across the Europe and Asia, the other countries having either full access to them or very limited. Trying to smuggle an android into a country where it was banned it will result into an instant lifetime sentence in the worst possible prison ever, where all you do in there is to stare at the wall, get some food from time to time and that's it, this resulting why getting one it's playing with death.

But people being people they tried, some succeeded many failed, and who wouldn't would want an android by their side? they were good helpers, even though some countries don't exactly explained why they banned them, some countries not only said that people exploits them to their own benefit or just do evil, but also that the android themselves are self aware of the situation and are afraid that humankind will suffer a horrible fate, other reasons were simply not shown to the public.

"You'll start by cleaning the bathrooms" spoke the manager as Octavius felt a bit of disgust entering his body, but giving in a sigh he grabbed the mop as he walked up to a stool "Come find me when you finish your first ever task! also don't slack off, please" and with that she left Octavius all alone to do his job as the janitor, muttering a small curse under his breath "I hate doing this..." what choice do you have dear bud? you either work and live or die of insanity taking over your little head.

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