Chapter 3

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"Son, wake up, son!" Octavius received quite the rough shakes as soon enough his eyes shot wide open, scared and mostly in pain as he flinched the moment he moved a little bit "Son it's okay, everything's gonna be fine... the storm passed away and so did the tornado, come on up" looking up he saw a man in his fourties holding his hand out for him, a bit of hesitation there was indeed but he took it regardless, slowly getting back up "What.. where am I..?" putting Octavius's arm around his neck the man started walking away from the street.

"We took shelter where we could, and as I walked around town to see the damage that damn tornado has caused I found you out cold on the side of the walkway, I hope you like being bald to some extent" A bit confused Octavius tried to touch his head, but the man quickly stopped him "Unless you are a masochist don't do it, leave your head alone, I've bandaged your entire head since blood was coming out of it, and I assume that bump is still there somewhere".

As the two walk Octavius started feeling dizzy from all the walking, he's not taking the hit on the head well. Sitting him down the man looked around the town and it was still pretty much intact, though the houses did had a poor look into it as they seem to be made out of some sort of clay "Are we... in slums...?" the man nodded which made the poor boy sigh out loud, not like he didn't liked being in the slums but he cannot accept the fact he's perhaps a thousand or so of miles away from his home, or what's left of it...

Seeing how agitated Octavius was the lad placed his hand on his shoulder "I know what you feel right now but what matters is that you are alive, and hey people here are nice.. I am nice to you so far ain't I? but if you don't mind me asking... how did you get caught in the tornado? you look like a middle aged class, judging by your clothes and personal care..." "I.. I don't know man... I remember that I came back from work, wrote something in my book and went to sleep afterwards, I was awaken by the tornado afterwards and... here I am now".

"Seems like no one bothered to wake you up during the evacuation-" "Evacuation?!" Octavius cuts off the man who kept a straight expression "How the fuck... we are in 2146! there should be so many ways to announce such things! or better yet fucking encounter them!" making an angrily sigh he pulls out his backpack that he still got after the whole tornado sistuation, checking for the book that he still has "Mister, how do I get back to the city in middle age class territory?".

The man makes a small chuckle making Octavius to already give out hope "Son, getting through the border without proper documents and a decent wealth won't get you through these checkpoints, settle here and you'll have time to understand what to do under a roof, come" Octavius having no other choice but to sleep with fishes he stood up again and started walking whenever the man was guiding him towards, hopefully not a sacrifice or something.

Many countries have changed over the decades, not only in shape, form and dimension but how they are treating their people as well, thus parting the country's land into three categories. First one being the slums that is located around the edges of the country, mostly poor people that can barely manage to go by a day with little that they have, but they aren't starving... the slums usually holds houses, barely concreted streets and absolutely little to nothing sources of entertainment, it's main income is to go work for others from the other categories.

Moving on more into the centre, we have the middle income class, this section of a country usually hold both urban and rural areas and everyone is doing either average or slightly above it, they go on just fine and even has spare money. The looks of the section is a modernized and cleaner one, pretty much what a modern city would look like in our past days, as for the rural zone it's mostly made out of farms in order to sustain the food needs for the people, here is where many people from slums come to work and earn a minimun wage of money.

The cherry on top is the centre of the the country, also known as the rich area. Here things are getting more interesting since everything is organized and people walk around as like they are AI's controlled by someone. In reality they're not, but everyone from this area is obsessed with perfection which can be a flaw in some cases. However, since Octavius lives in a country that the infamous legendary android people are not banned, the rich can purchase such androids for their own pleasure. one from the other sections could only dream about owning one since they are too expensive.

Opening the door the man showed Octavius his new home "I know, it's not much, but all it matters is that you have a roof over your head" looking around there were only two rooms, even though the second room was so small that a human could've barely fit in it "Welcome to the slums, Octavius" and with that the man takes his leave as the young fella inspected his new place. First he checked the other room, once peeking inside he noticed that it was actually a bathroom.

The second room, which was pretty much an equivalent of one big living room, had what Octavius would want from a household... a bed. A small sofa in the center of the room that looked like it has been through generations of world wars, a desk where Octavius could work on his things, a wardrobe that looked more of a jenga tower than a storage unit for clothes and of course we cannot forget the carpet on the floor that most likely has an abyss in it for stealing items that are unfortunate enough to fall on it.

Sitting at the edge of the bed he began staring outside the window "How do I get out from such a situation..." groaning he flops on the back, his vision fixing itself on the ceiling as he noticed a small hatch in it, due to his boredom he shrugs his shoulders lightly before sitting up into the bed and reaching out for the hatch. Upon opening it he made a small jump as he grabbed into the hatchet hole's edges with his hands, upon doing so he used his strength to pull himself up.

Sitting on the cold floor he takes a look around and noticed how windows were built into the roof, perhaps a way to light up the dark room.. "Windows in the roof in slums... great thinking..." he starts looking around and nothing too interesting was in the attic, just a bunch of pointless boxes and cobwebs all around "With a little bit of cleaning this attic could be turned into something real smooth... I might even sleep up here!" at least you'll have rat buddies as company!

Jumping into the bed he scratches himself a little bit before walking to the front door, walking out of his new house "Surprised I didn't had to sign anything.. where is the paper that says I'm the owner of this very house? ...guess they don't care..." looking left and right all he could see were streets the stretched upon miles and miles with only houses on the side of it "I must be in the resedential area... must find something to work real quick.. well, new life here I come!".

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