Chapter Three

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[Open file: Why the hell is he here?]

[Yes] [No]

Viore walked through the halls, Ray right next to him. Both were classified as a part of the staff, but only Viore had a lab coat on, while Ray just had a D-Class uniform.

"I wonder who the newbies are." Ray then said, he was talking about the 10 "new" recruits. Even if most had been working at the foundation for a while, most if not all had never worked at Site []. "I heard from Mabel that some were classified as SCP's."

"Of course you did, you know that she is a rumor mill right? And that she doesn't work here, and most likely never will."

Ray just nodded, "Of course I know. But when was the last time one of her "rumors" was incorrect." Viore stayed silent, he knew that Ray had a point. "I knew it, now come on. We have to greet them."

The two jogged through the hallways, and into the portal room, where a small crowd was present. The rumor about the new employees must've gotten out and anybody who was free at the moment was there.

Ray and Viore had to push through the crowd where Robinson, Sam Ayou, and Robin Ayou were. Sam must've heard them because she looked up to see them, "Oh hey you guys. Do you know anything about the new recruits?"

"Nope, other than some are classified as SCP's and most have never worked at Site []."

Sam sighed, "So nothing. Ryley knows some stuff, but he refuses to tell me-"

"Us." Robin cut in, looking away from the portal to the group.

"Right, he refuses to tell us." Sam just rolled her eyes and focused on the portal again.

It took Ray and Viore waiting for 10 minutes for the portal to start booting up, after a few seconds around nine people stepped through the portal.

Everyone looked normal-ish, but one person stood out. It was a woman with an amulet with a glowing red stone in the middle.


[Read file: I see you]

[Yes] [No]

A man could be seen looking at a screen in a dark room. The only thing illuminating the room was the screen. And what was one the screen? It was a video, well more a live feed. And on the screen? Him, watching the same video. He was watching himself. The man looked half surprised and looked up to the camera, and then the view on the screen cut away to the view of the man looking up at the camera with a blinking red light, its eerie glowing light illuminating the nearby objects.

Ray groaned, and yelled something. "VIORE!" The architect came in, cackling. And turned on the light, and turned off the cameras.

"You can't admit it wasn't funny." The man sat on his twin's desk and pulled his extra arms up.

"I'm wondering how you hacked that into the foundation's database."

"You know me," His twin just nodded. And waited a few seconds before continuing. "I might've had a bit of help though." Ray just nodded and a few seconds later the feed cut off and an error sign popped up.

But Viore just closed the files out and turned off the computer. "You created those last two documents didn't you? Bright hasn't been to Site [] in... 8 years?"

"I did, I honestly think you would act like that if he did show up here," Viore snorted at his twin's words and got up, the other following behind closely. The two walked for a bit until they came to the break room, where Sam was talking to a random scientist.

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