Recordings from the past #1

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Viore and Ray looked towards the Architect screen, were a security video was about to play.


A 15 year old Caelan was seen looking over the Architects base. Great Storm it was ugly, she preferred the stone and wood huts her kind lived in over these sharp edges everyday. She groaned and leaned further up against the wall.

The architect closest to her sighed and looked over to her in annoyance. "Why the hell don't you show some compassion? Your Mother is literally giving birth right now." He then looked back in front of him.

Caelan snorted and rolled her eyes, "Oh puh-lease. I know she'll be fine."

The man sighed again, "How the hell are we related?"

"Because you had-" The man clamped a hand over Caelan's mouth, she glared at him for that.

"I know how we are related. Sarcasm! Have you ever heard of it!?"

The younger snorted, "Spending the last three years with you? No..." The two glared at each other a few seconds before, "Yes I have! I am your daughter after all!"

The man wiped a hand over his clothes, "Don't lick me." The two sat there in silence, every one else in the complex had seemed to disappear.

Neither said anything. This cycle of bickering then shutting up continued for another two hours at least, before some random architect Caelan didn't know the name of, came out of the door behind them. "Your wife has finished giving birth, you may come in now." The two followed her into the room.

Caelan saw her Mother in a medical style bed, she looked tired, but happy, and was holding two small humanoid lifeforms. Caelan slowly got closer to them, her Father was already near the three.

The child on the left was the bigger of the two, they had some little strands of dark hair, and was sleeping soundly.

The other child was smaller, but awake. They had a few little more tufts of white hair than their sibling, pure white eyes, and were looking around, while babbling, in a very baby way.

Caelan's heart melted, the two were so cute.

But her parents talking tore her out of her thoughts, "Both of them are boys. I haven't named either of them yet." Her Father didn't say anything but Caelan knew he was pleased. He wanted Caelan to be a boy, no one knew her gender before she was born, the scanners just didn't work on volamares for some reason. He even picked out a name, clothes, essentially everything. He had everything planned out and present, everything but a baby boy. It was silent for a while, the only sound was the white haired baby's blathering.

"It's such a shame that neither of them have wings." Right. Caelan couldn't fly. Her wings were huge, bigger than anyone's else. Too big for her body to move the muscles fast and long enough to fly, she can glide damn well though. Her Dad said that she should be able to fly when she was older, but she doubts that would ever happen.

Her Father took the white haired one in his hands,"This one is an architect though," The child looked towards his Father, and giggled, reaching towards his Father.

Caelan sighed, her Father had known them for less than five minutes and already got a favorite. Though she knew that she was never the favorite child, even before her brothers were born. She walked towards the door, her parents didn't even spare her a glance. As soon as she got out of the room she saw a reaper leviathan, in their human form, bickering with some security guards, who were trying to escort him out.

The guy glanced over in her direction before looking back at the guards before snapping his head back to Caelan.

"Caelan! Oh great storm you've grown so much since I've last seen you!" The guards hit him with a stick, "Hey- What the hell is your problem? I'm allowed to be here!"

"He is," Caelan got closer to them. "You all can go back to your posts. I'll make sure he doesn't cause any trouble." The three guards looked at each other before looking back at her. They were wary about leaving the leviathan with a ten year old. But clearly not wary enough to really care as they each nodded and walked away.

"Oh thank the great storm, you are a lifesaver Cat." The reaper went over to her and hugged her, Caelan was tall, but the reaper was taller. After a few seconds the two broke apart and looked at each other. Before the reaper leaned over and kissed her on her forehead. "You've grown so much, I wish I could be there for you but... Well, you know. That old peeper is a pain in everybody's ass."

Caelan laughed at the insult to her Father. "It has been too long, nearly a year, right?"

"Damn right, and it's been a year too long. Now, do you mind going out with me? We'll do some Dad-Daughter bonding!"

It was odd, Caelan saw her Father nearly every day, yet she still had a better relationship with someone she saw once every few months. She smiled and walked with one of her Dad's, she could deal with that.


Viore looked at the ending, he had never met his Dad. Despite is Mother being in a relationship with the leviathan their relationship had deteriorated once Caelan moved in with their Father.

"I'm sure that Caelan would love working at the foundation." Ray said hugging his twin, out of the office Ryley looked in, he smiled and shook is head.

"I can hear ya smiling, wat gots your attention?" A feminine voice said from is pone.

"Ah, nothin."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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