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The next day.
Sister Marie and Tori were in the bus, on their way to see sister Anna. Tori was nervous, she couldn't shake this bitter sweet feeling she had. To finally be able to see sister Anna after awhile, but to know it'll be the last time she'll ever see her or speak to her like this.

It hurts, and sister Marie knew this. She held Tori's hand for comfort. "It'll be okay."

Once they were finally at the hospital. Tori took a deep breath before she opened the door to go in and see sister Anna.

She finally did it.

She walked into the room.

"I'll wait outside." Sister Marie told her.

"Yeah thanks."

Tori closed the door and looked at sister Anna.

" hello sister Anna.."

" hi, come sit."


Tori came closer to sister Anna, and sat next to her beside her bed.

" I'm really sorry that you had to find out like this.." sister Anna said sighing.

" I would rather know about it..than for it to be a secret because then we wouldn't be able to have seen each other for the last time.." Tori said with a tear rolling down her eye.

" I'm sure sister Marie told you my final wish?" Sister anna asked.

" she did I know you want me to be happy and not worry about you dying and I'm trying I really am but you know this isn't going to be easy for any of us. I want you to be happy too."

" it's my last wish and I need you to be happy. I am happy. I'm so happy. I am happy that I got to help you. you finally have somewhere to stay in a place for you. every single day you'll wake up and do something you love with people who will come to love and care about you. that'll happen very soon and even with me not here just know I'll still be watching you from above to see how far you've come. I'll always know everything that's happening with you and you can talk to me in spirit I'll always be listening I promise."

" so I guess this is finally it. Sister Anna, don't you forget me when you're in Heaven. You're a really great person.. and I wish we could've made more memories together but i cherish the ones that we have and you'll always be on my mind. I could never forget you, but I know you'll be happier in heaven that's all I need to feel okay."

"You promise you'll be okay?" Sister Anna asked.

"I'll try..but don't worry it'll be okay in time. Thanks a lot for being there for me, and helping me. I'm really happy that I have a place to stay now, and that I'll be able to wake up everyday and do what I love, it'll remind me that you're the reason..I have All of this, so you'll always be with me in memory and spirit.." Tori said smiling.

" it's good this is the way you need to be always I don't wanna ever have to look down and see a sad face on you because just knowing that you're hurt makes me very upset and I know you don't want me to feel upset so you better do everything in your power to stay happy even without me here you got that?"

" yes sister Anna I love you." She said hugging sister Anna.

" and I love you too. Always remember that."

"You're times up." The nurse said coming into the room.

Sister Anna watched as Tori got up and looked at the nurse in despair, with tears in her eyes. "Don't cry." Sister Anna told Tori but even she couldn't keep the tears from streaming down her face either.

"You'll be okay!" Sister Anna yelled.

"Let's go tori." Sister Marie grabbed her hands and walked away while tori sobbed loudly.

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