Ch 1

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Welp. This is it. The moment you've been waiting for. Looking at the front glass doors with a big, goofy smile on your face. You can see a great sum of people standing outside the doors on the side walk. Some sitting in chairs by tables, others standing and talking with friends. There was also tiny humans running around and playing in the grass.

Your heart is racing, you're tapping your finger on your arm in anticipation. You can't believe it's finally happening. You look back at the group of eight behind you, "You all ready?"

"Hell yeah, sis! Open those shiny doors and let those dudes in!" A young woman with round silver glasses shouts while punching her fist in the air, making her short, curly hair bounce. The rest of the smiling individuals hollered and clapped, influenced greatly by your sister. Your eyes wandered to their attire and sighed happily. They all had pretty brown aprons with a white pattern, mimicking coffee with foam. It had big print in the middle that read: Café & Café. They also wore matching brown and white caps, white t-shirts, and black pants and shoes, except for your sister, who was wearing a black beanie. You love how they turned out.

"All right then, let's do this.."

You breathe in and out deeply, strut up to the doors, flip the sign, and push open the glass, causing a loud bell to ring. You're met with over two dozen adults and children look up and smile in your direction. Kids gasping and jumping in joy while their parents' sigh with relief (probably because they've been sitting in front of the café for almost an hour).

You take a big breath.

"The café is open!" You throw your hands into the air and the crowd is instantly energized, some of the kids scream making you giggle. You move out the way and prop open the doors while everyone rushes inside. There's many 'ooh's, 'ahh's, and 'wow!'s as children rush to explore every inch of the café, only to have their parents call them back with annoyance.

Once all the customers managed to squeeze inside the small area you make your way to the counter and walk behind it. You spot couples sitting in the chairs and children bouncing up and down by their parents, asking them if they can get every sweet thing that the shop had. Most of the small kids piled up near the glass counter, looking at all the baked goods and candies with open, drooling mouths.

Your sister steps up and straitens her beanie, "Order whenever you're ready and the line starts in front of the cash register!" She gestures where most of the hyper children were. She chuckles and leans down to the group of small humans.

"Uh, little ones. If you like what you see, ask your guardians what you would like."

By this comment, the kids rush to their parents, talking fast and loud. You laugh and your sister looks to you. "You're on, man." She winks and points a finger gun in your direction.

"Thanks, Amber. And stop trying to steal the show," you tell her playfully. She only laughs and retreats to the kitchen where the rest of the workers were.

You smile big and proud, looking over all the customers in your view. You also spot teenagers in the back. Huh, you don't remember seeing them in the crowd. Oh well, they didn't seem to be causing trouble so you weren't worried.

As everyone was looking at the menu and contemplating what to buy, two small girls and a mother walked up to you behind the counter. The mother had small reading glasses, light faded purple hair and a causal sweatshirt and jeans. She wasn't tall, roughly 5 feet. One of the little girls had long, light purple hair as well, just stronger in hue and covered with a purple-grey-ish beanie. The resemblance to the mother was extraordinary. She was bundled in a purple jacket, scarf, gloves, pants, and shoes. The only thing that wasn't purple on her was her skin. The other little girl looked more jumpy but not in the anxious way. She had scruffy, short, dirty yellow hair that rose upward in spikes at the back of her head. She had a huge adorable frog smile with excited eyes. She was only wearing an orange sweatshirt and shoes with light yellow stretchy pants. She didn't seem related to them, so you thought the little girls where just friends.

Bob Velseb x Fem!reader. regretfully.. (spooky month)Where stories live. Discover now