Trophy x Soap : Neat Freaks Together!

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I have this AU where trophy is also a neat freak but he doesn't act like that infront of everyone, and he makes fun of soap for it even though he IS a neat freak too-



It was a normal Wednesday, or what Hotel OJ can call normal. Lightbulb and paintbrush are cooking, soap is freaking out about dust in the corner, pickle and knife playing Mario kart, salt obsessing over OJ while pepper is trying to get her away, paper getting jealous over it, and everyone else is waiting for their food. Mephone left abruptly, so everyone is being careful not to die, especially the ones that put themselves in danger a lot. (Lightbulb.. looking at you, buddy.) But other then that, everyone was generally happy. Unlike one person. One person named trophy. For some reason, he was always mad. No one knew why, but paintbrush says he just hates everyone. Which, they are correct. He hates everyone but one person. Soap. There is one secret no one knows about trophy. He's also got OCD, like soap. But he doesn't show it. He tries to keep it in, but it's very hard at times. That's why he makes fun of soap, since he sees himself in her. He just likes her and he doesn't really know why. 


Trophy's POV:

I was on my morning jog when I get a message from soap. 

(Trophy's phone:)

❤️MyLoveSoap: hey troph! Breakfast is ready!

Me: alright, comin now neat freak.

(His contact name for soap is ❤️MyLoveSoap. It says "Me" because trophy is txting soap.)

I put my phone away, slowly walking back to the hotel. I do a quick check to see if I'm dirty, and I see some spots of dirt and I clean it off. I wipe off some sweat I have on my forehead. Then, I walk into the hotel. Everyone is eating, but I first go into my room. Walking up the stairs, I see someone. Soap, of course! She's cleaning, of course. I mean can you blame her?! People almost found out about my OCD! They are just so dirty! Soap saw me looking, then I just looked down and walked past her fast. I sped-walked past her, making her giggle quietly to herself. Jeez why is she so cute?! UGH. I walk to my room, closing my door. I then go into the shower.


Soaps POV:

Time: 11:35 PM

After cleaning the whole hotel, I was talking to mic, my best friend. My partner in crime! "Soo.. any crushes?" Mic asks. I go red immediately, thinking about trophy. I cover my face. "Oooo! Spill. Now!" Mic says. "Okay fine.. it's trophy-" "AAAHHH! I KNEW IT!" Mic presses her button. "Sorry.. but I called it!" She says, apologizing. "It's fine, happens to the best of us!" I say. "Now, when are you gonna ask him out?" "I was thinking tommorow?" "Ooo! Good luck, and just tell me how it goes! OJ is calling me, I gots to go! Byeee!" Mic waves, and I wave back. She rushes out. Now.. how the heck am I gonna ask this man out?! He doesn't like me one bit! This is gonna take a lot of planning.. I rush into my room, that I share with trophy. (Ironic, innit?) I grab a card and pen, and I sit on the chair and I use the desk. I make the card:

(I just think she writes in cursive, I dunno it just seems fitting

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(I just think she writes in cursive, I dunno it just seems fitting.)

I put the card on his bed, unsigned. I sigh, knowing I did it. He won't be back until tomorrow, which is great timing, am I right? I lay down on my bed, and I look at the time. 12:30 AM. I guess I should go to sleep. I close my eyes, getting under the covers. I then slowly drift to sleep.

Let's hope everything goes well.


Trophy's POV:

Time: 7:30 AM.

I go back to the hotel, after having fun with my other friends. I go into the room to see a card. I read it. Is it from soap? Because it's unsigned. I really hope it's soap. I get changed, and I make sure I look good. I put on deodorant, so I don't smell. I walk to the back of the hotel. I see something pink. So it is soap. I get giddy, but I try to control it. "You wanted to see me?" I ask. She looks up. "I- uh- yeah! Yeah." She sounds unsure. "Why?" I ask. "I- uh-" She turns red. I kiss her forehead. "I do." She realized, and hugged me.

"Don't worry.. We're neat freaks together."



Final word count : 801.

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