Encounter in Liyue (Slight angst)

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"Aight everyone! We have reached our destination, Liyue!" Beidou cheered loudly, followed by other sailors cheering as well.

"Liyue...It's so pretty.." Kunikuzushi said, in pure awe.

"Chef Mao is a quite popular chef who works at Wanmin restaurant. Would you like to try some of his dishes?" Kazuha asked.

"Yes, I'd like to try some of Liyue's traditional dishes." Kuni smiled,


"Watch your step, darling." Kazuha warned Kuni, as getting off a ship may be difficult.

"Kazuha, may I go take a look around?" He asked, wanting to explore the new area.

"Of course, just don't go too far or you might get lost." Kazuha replied.

However, that wouldn't go too well for the both of them.


Kunikuzushi strolled near the shops, and he saw a white colored kitten.

It seemed familiar to him, so he decided to try and pet it.

However, it ran away so he followed it.

But things went downhill from there, he was stopped by a fatui soldier.

"HERE! THE PUPPET IS HERE! TAKE HIM!" The soldier yelled out to others.

Kazuha heard the yell, and instantly ran to where Kunikuzushi went.




Unfortunately, he was a little too late.

Blood poured out of Kuni, as his body was caught from falling by Kazuha.

"K-kazu.." Was all he could say, before his eyes fluttered shut.

To get away from the fatui first, Kazuha had to carry Kuni's unconscious body to another safe place.

Once the fatui lost sight of them, Kazuha had to find a way to save Kunikuzushi.

He laid the boy down on his back, and put his fingers under his nose to check if he was still breathing.


"Shit," He thought.

"Thirty compressions and two breaths, Kazuha!"
A sudden voice screamed out, as Beidou came running to them.

He did as he was told, crossing his hand over another and pressed it on Kuni's ribs.

1, 2, 3...

"Come on, come on.. Kuni.. please.."

He continued pressing his hands over Kunikuzushi's chest, tears spilling out every second.

8, 9, 10...

His hands started to tremble.

He felt as if this was the end, and as if this was fate which he cannot run away from.

But he must continue trying. After all that he went through, this can't be where to give up.

"I'll go get Xingqiu of the Guhua clan!" Beidou said, and ran.

"Wake up.. I know you can do this..."

18, 19, 20...

Kazuha. Do not give up. Keep going. You are not going to lose another friend.





28, 29, 30.

"Two breaths.."

He pinched Kuni's nose and gave the rescue breaths.

He checked for breathing and pulse.




He let out a shaky sigh of relief, when he could finally feel Kuni's breathing and pulse return.

A person with short, dark blue hair came running to them.

"I'm Xingqiu, of the Guhua clan. My hydro vision allows me to heal. May I help you?"

"P-please.. Kuni.." Kazuha begged.

Kazuha moved aside to allow Xingqiu to heal the unconscious boy.

A few drops of water flowed out of his fingertips, reaching the wounds of Kunikuzushi. When it made contact with the skin, it looked as if the waters evaporated, healing the wounds.

"Alright, the injuries has been healed. However, it may still take a while for him to regain consciousness." Xingqiu bowed, and left.


"Kazuha, drink some water. You must be tired after all that happened today." Beidou said, while giving him a bottle of water.

"Thank you.." He took a few sips.

"Alright, once you have rested enough, let's head to the jade chamber. It's quite sunny outside y'know" Beidou stood up and looked at the jade chamber.

"I've already had enough rest, I think we can go now." Kazuha replied.

"Okay, let's head off then."

"Is Bu'yun still at the place he used to stay?" He asked, just to make sure that they don't have to go to a different place.

"I'm pretty sure yeah, he doesn't really have any other place." Beidou answered.


They ascended up the platform, and waited for it to start moving to the jade chamber. It was extremely high up, and they were in the clouds, barely even able to see the ground underneath.

They entered inside,
"Ningguang, it's me." Beidou said.

They walked up to Ningguang's room, and found her being exhausted from working as usual. She should really take a break, when was the last time she even slept?

"Ah, Beidou and Kazuha. And.. who..?" She said, in a tired voice

"His name is Kunikuzushi, I managed to find him in a forest in Inazuma." Kazuha answered.

"Kunikuzushi..? Isn't that the archon's failed puppet?" Ningguang questioned.

"Ah- well, yes. But, please find him a place to rest. He was attacked by some fatui soldiers, but fortunately was healed by Xingqiu." Kazuha explained.

"Oh, yes of course. Please, feel free to place him on the bed." Ningguang opened the curtains and helped them place Kunikuzushi on the bed.

Kazuha sat down on the bed, next to Kuni. He gently stroked his finger on Kuni's forehead and tucked the hair behind his ear.

"I'm here now.. Everything will be okay.."

Unexpectedly, Kunikuzushi began slowly opening his eyes.

"Kuni..!" Kazuha screamed in joy.

"■■■ ■■■ ■■■?"

Those words made Kazuha break down. Why? How? Questions flooded through his mind.


Word count: 825

--A/N: Next part is gonna have even more angst.

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