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"How're you feeling now Y/N?"

The young man asked the lady who was laying down on the bed.

"Fine. Can you do me a favour Yoongi?"
Yoongi surprisingly looked at her waiting for her to continue, wondering if it was too urgent as she called him by his name.

"You'll go back to home now, so I was thinking if you could tell Taehyung to... come to our favourite place."

"Hmm sure. I'll tell him on my way."

She got up slowly, leaning on the headboard before speaking,
"Also.. T-Thank you for being with me as a best friend and elder brother.. You took care of me well. Forgive me if I have done any mistake or misbehaved with you.. Saranghamnida Min Yoongi.. You won't forget me, right oppa?"

Yoongi was confused at her sudden words. He felt a rush of panic inside him but decided to ignore. He felt tears in his eyes looking at younger's expression and teary eyes. He smiled giving her a warm hug to which she hugged him back.

" I'll go now then. See you later Y/Nie"

Just then the 4 others came inside the room.

Jungkook: Y/NSHIIIII!
Jin : Yah Jungkook ahh don't shout, aishh!
Hoseok: How're you Y/N?

Hoseok asked after giving her a hug as all of them took their seat.

She hid the pain that was tearing her with a light smile.

"Fine.. I didn't ruin the party, did I?"

Namjoon: Nope. They don't even know about it. Besides, the party is already done. Thankfully that Major John had to leave with his King and Queen. He was continuously asking me about you.

Jungkook mimicked John's expression,
" General Kim, Colonel Park is so handsome!"  "Is he single?"  "He's so polite."  "His voice is so soft!"  "He looks too beautiful as a man"

Jin and Hobi started laughing at the way Jungkook was making funny expression and saying it.

Jin: That fool does not even know its a she not a he hahahaha

'Just if Jimin was here', Namjoon thought Reading the pain in her eyes.

"Guys, it's okay, I'm alright now. I've something to say.."

She smiled continuing,
" Getting yall as my best friends and guardian was one of the best thing happened to me.. Thank you isn't enough to thank yall.. I'm being grateful to yall for staying with me.. After Jimin was gone, we all had a hard time but being together made it a lot easier.. Wish we could stick together forever like this.. I love you guys, so much.. Yall are amazing...never forget me please.. I.. Thank you.."

"Aww Y/N!"
"Yah! Why th are you talking like that"
"We are going to be together forever Y/NSHII!"

"Especially Namjoon oppa, You've been with me from the very beginning. You always helped me and protected me from any type of humiliation. Jimin's absence is something we always had never wished for.. Also you Jungkook, you always made me feel like a noona of a crackhead muscle pig"

All chuckled at her last remarks.

Hobi: You're gonna make cry, Park Y/N.

Jungkook: Yeah! And you can never get rid of this double bunny yk.

Everyone giggled while having a group hug. She successfully hid the tears that pickled in her eyes. Their moment broke when a guard came in the room.

"Sorry General Kim. But the king has urgently called General Kim,Mr. Jeon, Minister Jung and Chief Kim. Please pardon us Colonel Park."

She smiled as Namjoon caressed her head before leaving.. Jungkook saw her teary eyes showing pain.. He wanted to ask but decided to ask later.

They went inside the King's cabin, the Queen was also there. All the 4 males bowed respectfully. Queen was in the verge of crying while the King was restless.

General Kim: "Pardon me you're majesty but is something wrong..?"

King: "Well.. The thing is about y/n"

Jin:" Y/N? We were with her now, your highness. She said she's fine. No need to worry.."

At this point, the Queen started to cry. They got more confused not knowing what to say.

King: "That means she knows it. "

The 4 looked at e/o in confusion while the King spoke,

"She's poisoned. With the knife that she got stabbed had venom poison. She.. only got a few hours to live"

There was a moment of silence before all the 4 bowed and ran out, their visions kept getting blurry cuz of tears.

Jin: s-she knew it!
Hobi: That's why she was talking like that I-
Jungkook: Maybe that's why Yoongi hyung was crying after meeting her!

Namjoon silently cried while running, continuously thinking,
'Forgive me jimin.. Please forgive your hyung. I failed my promise."

.................... Flashback...................

"Hyung..Promise me.. You'll look after her in my absence.. You are our older brother hyung.. Please.."

"I promise.. I promise Jimin I'll look after her.. She's my sister.. I'll guide her, I promise Jimin ah"


They entered the room but she was nowhere to be found, except a piece of paper on the bed..
Namjoon took it and started reading it.

I'm sorry guys,for hiding it. Please forgive this little sister of yours. I.. I didn't want to hurt yall.. I ask for forgiveness from Yoongi oppa too..
I'll be always grateful to Lord for having all of you in my life, as my family. Thank you for taking care of me, supporting me, loving me.. Thank you for everything.. I'm blessed with 7 amazing men who always have been giving me comfort and affection..
My apologies to the King And Queen. I ask forgiveness for my irresponsible act on getting stabbed with poison and not catching Jang earlier. I deeply apologise for my fault, please forgive me your highness. Thank you for seeing my worth and giving me the opportunity to work with my talent, your majesty.
I would like to spend my last time with him, please.. I.. I ask for forgiveness to everyone for my unexpected departure.
I love you, my amazing best friends. Hope to meet you again.. Once again.. In my next life..
-Park Melantha

"She's leaving us... Just like Jimin.. Whyy Lord!"
The hall echoed with loud heart rendering cries..

"Forgive us Jimin.."

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