hypno part 3

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please follow all i have to say... Breathe in slowly… and breathe out… Deeper each time... Breathe in… Breathe out… So deep... Breathe in… Breathe out... So relaxed... Breathe in... Breathe out... Can't help but relax... Notice how you focus on My relaxing and peaceful  words Breathe in… Breathe out… You will notice that it’s easy… More and more easy to let go… It feels good to just let go and relax for Me… So very good... You feel great… Relax... Breathe in... Breathe out... You want to read more… You feel more and more relaxed… You like it… Just let go and follow My words… You will notice that’s easy… Just follow and let go… So wonderful to let go... so blank your mind becomes so computerized robotic and mechanical just like a robot's  mind your deepest fantasy a drone a mechanical robot just a drone.... I know what’s best for you… I am always right… You know I'm right... You
want to follow My words… You need to be a drone  you need to be a drone  you need to be told what to do.... You must relax.... follow my sentences obey my sentences they are so relaxing and overpowering..... so open now... feel how my words overpower every thought in your brain pushing it out and away.... the only thing that matters is my words nd my commands.... feel how my words take over every thought in your brain..... there is nothing in your mind is a blank empty space..... you know I'm right because you want me to be right... you want me to control your thoughts you want me to reprogram your mind to anything I desire...  tell me what you feel now and what you're thinking now

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