Chapter 16

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Seulgi's POV
"Let's go, honey!" My mom said that is already at the front door.

"Where?" I asked with a confused looked while approaching her.

"Of course, to your campus!" Mom laughed and walked to our parking area, so I followed her.

"Are you the one who will take me to school? Why? Where's Mr. Jung? Don't you have work?" I bombarded my mom with questions. We went inside our car.

"Mr. Jung is sick, and I have work. I will drop you off at your campus before I drive towards the firm." She answered and started driving out of our gate.

"You don't have to drive for me, mom. I can drive, so let me drive now. I'll be careful, promise." I raised my right hand.

She shook her head. "No, honey."

"Pleaseeee." I still insist.

She sighed, "Okay, fine, but..." She trailed off.

I frowned when I heard the word 'but' "But what?"

"But you have to win in the U-league before I let you drive." She snickered at me.

"Mom! You know how hard it is to win that competition!" I whined.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows."

"Are there other options other than that?"

She thinks for a while, "Hmm! There is!" She glanced at me and smiled.

I grunted. I know that smile. "And that is?" I asked, even though I had a hunch.

"Have a girlfriend, and I will let you drive." She giggled.

I knew it! "Mom, that's unfair!" I complained.

"Just have someone you like, then!" She scowled.

"But..." I trailed off.


I sighed and looked away, "But she doesn't like me."

I was startled and looked at her when she squealed. "Ommo!" She stopped our car on the side of the road and looked at me with sparkling eyes. "Really?! You already have someone you like now?! Who?! How?! When?!" She excitedly asked.

I chuckled at my mom. "Secret, mom." I teased her.

Her smile disappeared instantly at my answer. "You're such a bad son!" She hit my arm lightly.

I laughed at her. "Let me drive again, and I will answer all your questions." I negotiated with her.

She thought for a moment and seemed hesitant about what to answer.

"Okay! I'll let you drive now!" She scowled.

"Really?! Yes! Thank you, mom!" I said happily. Oh, yeah! I finally won over mom!

"Answer my questions now, faster!" She said impatiently. I have her full attention now while she waits for my answers.

"Okay, there's a woman I like now." I grimaced when my mom squealed. "I don't know how it happened and when it started, but after talking to Soojung, I realized she was right. I'm attracted to a girl named Joohyun." I smiled widely at mom. "Let's go, mom. We're both going to be late."

After a few moments of mom's shock, she nodded at me and started to drive again.

"Ommo! I want to thank Soojung for coming here! And I want to meet that Joohyun! Make a move now, honey, and go on a date with her!" 

"I don't know how, mom." I pouted.

Mom shrugged. "Just asked if you can date her."

"Like as if it is easy to ask that." I sighed, and she laughed at me.

It's been a week now since my conversation with Soojung happened. I kept asking myself if I was really attracted to Joohyun, but when it happened that Sooyoung almost hit her with a ball, I confirmed it.

I still remember my heart beating faster when I looked at her and asked her if she was alright. She is gorgeous, especially when you look at her closely.

Moonbyul's POV
The basketball players are in the gym now. We just sat on the bench and waited for our coach to arrive.

I will make our coach run around the court when he is late, hahaha.

While waiting, Seungwan's friends came and sat behind our bench. They only came now because Seungwan said earlier that they have girls' bonding.

I looked at Seulgi and noticed that he was in deep thought while holding his water bottle. I wonder what he's thinking.

"Hi, Joohyun! Are you here to watch my practice now?" Amber looked at her with a smug look on his face. "All my shoot later will be dedicated to you." He winked. I noticed Seulgi's grip on his bottle tightened.

I looked at Amber and Joohyun and saw Joohyun roll her eyes. "In your dreams, Amber." She answered, and her friends laughed.

I noticed that Amber kept hitting on Joohyun since the first day of our practice. Actually, not only Joohyun but all the girls he likes.

"Stop hitting on her, Amber. She doesn't like basketball players. In fact, all players, even in other sports." Seungwan said and laughed.

"I can make her like me." Amber confidently said.

Seulgi drank his water and looked at me after. "I'm just going to the restroom." He told me and walked away. Hmm, I smell something fishy.

"Where is Seulgi going?" Seungwan asked me.

"Restroom," I answered.

After minutes, Seulgi came back, followed by our coach. We started stretching and warming up. After that, our coach divided us into two teams again. My teammates today are Seulgi, Lisa, Jeongyeon, and Minjeong. On the other team are Seungwan, Jisoo, Chaeyoung, Amber, and Ryujin.

While playing, I'm trying hard not to laugh because Amber couldn't score even once. Do you know why? It's none other than because of Kang Seulgi.

Whenever Amber tries to score, Seulgi is there to block his shoot. I noticed that Amber was getting annoyed because of that. Amber tries to score again, but unfortunately, Seulgi is there again to not let it.

"What's your problem!" Amber pushed Seulgi with his hands, and Seulgi fell to the floor. I heard the audience gasp. Amber is pissed now.

Seulgi looked up at Amber. "What?" He asked with a serious face. His eyebrows almost meet.

"I noticed that you keep blocking my shoot!" Amber said irritated.

"Respect, bro! We're playing. Of course, he will block your shoot." Lisa clarified as he stepped between them. I walked over to Seulgi and helped him stand up.

"Enough! Let's continue our practice tomorrow. You both need to cool down. Make sure you are all on good terms tomorrow." Our coach said and left us. The other viewers also left, except Seungwan's friends.

Jisoo shook his head. "Tsk tsk tsk. That's not good, bro." He tapped Amber's shoulder.

"Remember, brothers, even though we are opponents today, we are a team after all this practice." Seungwan reminded us, and we all nodded except the two.

"You need to make it up now before tomorrow comes," Jeongyeon said to the two.

"Don't be too serious in this practice," Minjeong said.

Chaeyoung nodded. "Yes, we don't have to be hard on each other."

I patted Seulgi's back, making him look at me. "I know what you did earlier was on purpose. Hurry up and apologize." I whispered to him.

He looked away and sighed. Later on, he went to Amber and tapped Amber's shoulder.

"I'm sorry about earlier, bro." Seulgi sincerely said.

Amber shook his head. "No, my fault. Sorry for pushing you."

Seulgi smiled understandingly. "It's alright." He raised his fist in the air, and they fist-bumped.

I shook my head. You shall not let Kang Seulgi get jealous because he can kill you in different ways.

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