Chapter 34

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Seulgi's POV
"Dad, can you investigate what happened to us?" I asked.

Joohyun and I are now sitting on our hospital beds when I remember what I saw in the park. Joohyun's friends and Moonbyul are here now. Actually, I think we are all friends now. They were all sitting on the sofa and looking at me.

"Why?" My dad asked.

"Because when I was talking to mom on the phone when Joohyun and I were in the park, I looked around and saw a suspicious man who looked like he came from our car. He's wearing all black. I didn't see his face because he wore a black cap too."

"Ommo! Really honey?" My mom asked, and I nodded at her.

"Why didn't you tell me that time what you saw?" Joohyun asked me.

I looked at her, "Because I'm not sure of my hunch. I might be wrong, and I don't want you to think much."

"So, that's why you insisted on taking me home?"

I nodded, "Yes. I don't want to regret it later. So, even though I'm not sure, I want to make sure that you get home safely."

"Aigoo, you're so sweet, Seulgi. Thank you for doing that for my daughter." Joohyun's mom said.

"It's my pleasure to do that, auntie." I smiled at Joohyun's mom. I saw our friends smiling teasingly at me because of what I called Joohyun's mom.

"Okay, son. I will tell that to the police now." My dad said.

"Thanks, dad." I smiled at him.

He smiled back and looked at the others, "Please excuse me." And then he left our room.

"I will accompany him." Joohyun's dad said and left too.

"I already told our coach what happened to you, bro. He said just rest and don't worry about the practice." Seungwan informed me.

"Thank you for that, bro," I said.

"I also told our professors what happened to you, dude. No need to worry about that too." Moonbyul said.

"Thank you, dude. Also, thank you, guys, for coming here. I really appreciate it." I thank my other friends.

"For your information, they came here because of me. Remember, I'm their friend?" Joohyun ruined the moment.

I pouted, "Are you still not my friends until now, guys?" I asked the others, and they all laughed, even our moms and Joohyun.

"Of course, you and Moonbyul are our friends now," Lisa said, and the others nodded.

I looked at Joohyun, "See? They are also here for me, not only for you." I grimaced at her.

"Crazy, I'm just kidding." She rolled her eyes.

"Gosh! You're both childish." Jennie said and looked at Joohyun. "Anyway, I also told our professors what happened to you."

Joohyun smiled, "Thank you for that."

"Then what's our role here? Just listening to all of you doing stuff for them?" Yerim suddenly asked.

"That's the least that we can do, Yerim-ah, just listen to them," Jisoo said, and we all laughed.

"Does your wound no longer hurt, Seulgi oppa?" Sooyoung asked.

"Huh? Do I have a wound?"

She nodded, "Yes, on the left side of your forehead."

"Really?" I touched the part of what she said and felt a bit of pain.

"You didn't feel it earlier, bro?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah. I thought I had no injuries."

"You get that after you hit your head on the steering wheel when my car crashed into a lamppost," Joohyun explained.

I looked at her, "Am I not handsome now?" I frowned, and she just grimaced at me.

"Aigoo, you're still handsome, Seulgi, even though you have a wound on your forehead." Joohyun's mom said.

I smiled at her, "Oh. Thank you, auntie." I said, and she smiled back.

"Oops, we have to leave now, guys. We still have practice." Seungwan told them, and he stood with the others.

"We have to go back to campus, auntie, ma'am," Moonbyul said to my mom and Joohyun's mom, and they bowed to our parents.

"Ommo! Really? That's sad. It will be boring if you leave now." My mom looked disappointed.

"They're both boring, right?" Yerim asked.

"Yah, Yerim-ah. Get out now." Joohyun glared at her, and they all laughed. After they bid goodbyes, they all left now.

After a moment, the door opened, and we saw dad and Joohyun's dad enter.

"We already told the police everything you said earlier, son, and they will investigate now." My dad said.

"Thanks, dad." I smiled at him.

"No problem." He smiled back and looked at mom. "Let's go now, darling?"

My mom nodded and looked at me. "Honey, we'll go to the firm now. Just call us if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay, mom. Take care." I stood up and hugged my mom and dad.

"We will come back later after work, son." My dad said.

"Okay, dad. See you later then."

"We are also leaving now, princess. I still have paper works to do at the company." Joohyun's dad said.

"Okay, dad. I understand." Joohyun said.

"We will also be back before dinner with your sister. She wanted to come here this morning but she still had class."

"Okay, mom. Take care, you two." Joohyun smiled and waved at them.

After that, our parents left us, so we were the only ones in the room. I looked at her when she called me. She patted her side, so I lay next to her. She took my left arm and used it as a pillow. Then she hugged me and closed her eyes.

"Are you sleepy?" I asked.

She nodded, "I've been waiting for you to wake up, so I haven't fallen asleep yet." She sounded really sleepy.

"Oh, really?"

She nodded. "Don't you want to sleep again?"

"I don't think I can sleep, love. Can I just borrow your phone? My phone is on my bed."

She yawned, "Sure. My password is your birthday."

I smiled at what she said. "You didn't change your password until now?"

She nodded. "Hmm. I'm too lazy to change it."

I chuckled. Excuses. I combed her hair gently, "Okay. Sleep now, love." Then I suddenly realized that I had to tell her something. "Oh, wait. I need to tell you something."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I just want to tell you that I remember everything now." I kissed her forehead. "Go to sleep now, love."

"Is that true?" She asked with eyes widened. "Do you remember everything that happened between us? As in, all of it?"

I nodded and smiled, "Yup. Now I know why you didn't immediately give me a second chance. I'm really sorry for what happened back then." I sincerely said.

She shook her head, "I already forgave you, Seul. That's all in the past now." She said and gave me a quick kiss on my lips. "I'll sleep now, love. I'm really sleepy." She smiled and closed her eyes.

I looked at her with a surprised face because of her sudden kiss. When I recovered from the shock, I smiled at her and hugged her back.

Goodbye. Now I understand why I didn't want to say that, even though I still don't remember everything.

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