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THE COOL late winter breeze stung at Ash a bit when he walked across Cerulean City to reach the Gym. He thought the new look of the place was interesting since the last time he'd been to it. He'd been looking forward to reuniting with Misty. Last time he saw her in person was prior to his first Battle Frontier match that was years ago when they were still teens. The reunion quickly fell downhill.

"There's no way," said Ash, feeling slightly exasperated. "Twenty battles undefeated?"

"You better believe it. I always knew I was going to become a great Gym Leader, and I am indeed." Misty's smirk deepened. "You, on the other hand. Teehee... Even with a ­Water-type you still lost to a Charizard."

"Hey, Alain's a tough opponent, what was I supposed to do?"

His friend "tsked" as she wagged a finger in his face. Ash silently fumed at the gesture. "A shame. Five to six regions worth of experience and you still lost a basic type matchup."

"Pretty sure he's strong enough to give you a hard time."

"A loss is a loss, no matter how you spin it – and when you had the advantage, too. Oh, the humanity..."

"I think you'll recall that I beat Gary's Blastoise with Charizard..."

"...Some Trainers just don't have the skill to overcome disadvantages," went on Misty as though Ash hadn't interrupted her. "With that in mind, you're probably a ways away from becoming a Pokémon Master."

"Why you...!" Luckily, Pikachu quickly tapped on Ash's head, trying to calm him down. He sneered at the Cerulean Gym Leader as he briefly hyperventilated. "Fine," he seethed as he reached for a Poké Ball. "You and me. A three-on-three battle – best two out of three wins."

Misty glanced at him through one eye. "Yeah... No thanks. I just won ten battles in a row," she said, as Ash gaped in disappointment and frustration, "so me and my Pokémon are exhausted – and I'd rather not waste my challengers' time battling you. Oh, I know – whoever can win the most battles in two weeks is the best Trainer."

"You got yourself a deal," said Ash crossly, a fire ignited in his soul. "Just you wait. I'll show you."

"Pika, Pikachu!" Pikachu mimicked with equal vigor.

The orange-haired Gym Leader tutted. "I wish you luck in beating me."


With no knowledge of any region he'd never heard of to travel, Ash found himself staying home in Kanto. Not that he minded but it was very easy for him to get antsy and restless. He'd already taken to visiting local battling grounds as often as he could to hone his skills, so Misty's challenge was a natural evolution.

However, it seemed to Ash that the rookie Trainers of today were a far cry ahead of him in skill and smarts than ever before.

"Swellow, Double Team, go!" yelled Ash. He was already four losses in, no way he should lose this one...

"Now, Espeon, use Swift!" Ash clenched his teeth, Swift never misses... Swellow was knocked out of the air and was struggling to realign himself. "Dazzling Gleam, now!" It was over for Swellow, who was declared unable to battle.


"Oh? Fancy running into you here. Ash," greeted Misty later that day in a café. Ash wasn't pleased to see her and took it out by squeezing a napkin and biting his blueberry muffin aggressively. Seeing her after his loses wasn't a good thing.

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