Work for me. || Ep.2

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"GET OUT OF THE STORE!!" A guy yells

"AHH!! HELP ME!!" Another one yells

"Tch. Monsters are all around now, huh?" The man click his tongue as he smile

"Guild master! There are a lot of people who is stack in the store, I'll help them out!" The woman said

The man nods and the woman quickly run inside the store to help the people out.

"Let's end this." The man whisper with a scary smile

After that he snap his fingers and the chain already wrap around the monster's body. The monster tries it's best to get out of the chains but it failed.




The sounds of a body being crash into pieces ring around the area. The monster's blood spread all over the place.

While the man fights the monsters the woman is now helping people to get to a safer place. The people inside the store follow behind her and in no time they are all in a safe area now.

She return to the store to check up if there is still someone there..


She gasp as she saw a man laying down on the floor with a bloody head... It's like a bloody bath. She walks over to the man and quickly check if the man is still breathing.

And he is!

She quickly carrie him out of the store and lean him down on a wall near by. She can't bring him to the hospital yet.. She still need to help a lot of people.

'Fuck.. Am I dieing aging..?' He whispers to himself with a weak and helpless sigh

He looks up to see a blurry vision of a tall man and a woman who seems to be talking about him. He really don't understand why they are talking while he is still bleeding.

"**** will carry **** inside the ****" That's the only thing Han Yoojin can hear. It's not clear, very blurry!

A figure reach out for Han Yoojin and it ended there. He lost contusion and fell dead asleep.

2 Days Later


He gasp as he open his eyes.. He somehow cannot move. Not even lift a finger. He look all around with his eyes


He is too scared that he will not have enough money to pay this off! Along with getting his organs sold for not paying!

"Ah. You are awake." A familiar voice said

Han Yoojin quickly look and see..

'That cocky customer..' Han Yoojin mumbles to himself with a shock tone

"Can you stand up? It's been a while you own me a lot of debts." The man said with a smile


Han Yoojin wants to shout but he can't. He cannot move, not even his mouth. The man continue to smile

"I see, you are still injured, well then guess it would take lots of days until you can get up." The man said

"Now, now, think of a way you can pay me back after you recover." The man said with a dark smile

'This.. THIS BASTARD!!!' Han Yoojin internally shouted

The man then walk out of the door, leaving Han Yoojin alone.. Ha, looks like someone is going to be a real item now huh..

'Hic.. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPENED TO ME!?!' Han Yoojin internally break down

3 More Days Later

After a hell like 3 days Han Yoojin finally recovers and he is still feeling as if he is in hell. This good and rich looking guy is forcing him to pay up.

"I'm glad you finally record, but now pay up Mr.-..??" The man said bit stop at his words


'No.. If I said Han, it might create a problem and an issue for Yoohyun..' Han Yoojin mumbles to himself

"Yoojin. I'm Yoojin."

"Ah, is that all? Surname."

"I.. I grew up with out one, I'm an or-orphan!"

"I see, but words aside, you must pay your debts now."

Han Yoojin wants to punch this guy on the face but he knows it won't end well for him if he did that.

"I..I'm every poor.. I don't think working for more than 3 years would pay my-"

"That's why you need to work for me. To pay off your debts work for me." The man said with a smile.. A very scary one


"Work for me. Since I know that your job doesn't pay you much to even sustain your daily living."

"Uhh.. W-What work are you saying Sir..?"

"Ammm, what type of hunter are you Mr.Yoojin?"

Han Yoojin's eyes widen.. The word hunter return a lot of sad and dark memories. It took awhile to get his mess up mind to work properly again..


"Well then. Train and come with us in Dungeons."

Those words panic Han Yoojin up.. His mind went black as his tears fell out of his eyes, with out him noticing that he is now crying..

The guy was shock yet keep a straight face, he then look away.. A smile appears in his face as the other male cries

"I do not have any answers. Mind telling me what is your answer?" The man ask smile


"What would your brother think if he saw you this misirable~?" The man said with a darker smile

"H-Huh!?! W-What..?!"

"Han Yoojin, I'm not asking you to agree on my words. I'm commanding you to work for me." The man said as he hold on Han Yoojin's shoulder


"You don't have a choice~" The man whispers

Han Yoojin look at the man with horror in his eyes.. This is who seems to be bright has a very dark inside.

'What's happening..? Why..? Why am I being corned..?' Han Yoojin ask himself with tears in his eyes..

"W-Who really are you..?" Han Yoojin ask

"Oh. Glad you ask! I'm-"

To Be Continued

This is an A.U. where Han Yoojin completely lost his motivation and decided to go far away from his brother.

And dun dun dun! We have a very possessive and manipulative Sung Hyunjae!!

" Talking "

' Thinking '

[ Letter or writing or screen ]

" Angry Tone "

Flash back

Sounds effects

The A.U. is far away from similar on the novel..

My apologies if the writing is terrible.

And thank you for all who will support my books.

Good bye.

1148 words

Date of release: November 12 2022

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