Act 1, Scene 5

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Louis' POV:

I run the group through a quick one, one two one, warmup routine, possibly the most basic singing warmup ever. Obviously it works, else people wouldn't use it, but it's still generic and expected. Once we're finished, I lecture the group, particularly Nick, on my personal morals, strutting around the circle with my gaze falling on each nervous-looking face.

"And if any of you, any of you, say anything remotely negative about Harry or Liam's pronouns, I swear to god, I'll rip your fucking head off." I end my palaver with a flourish.

Unfortunately for me, Lou returned right as I said that, and glared at me for using... unsavoury language in a room full of juveniles. I gave a sheepish grin in return to her disappointed frown, but she immediately brightened as she began her dialogue.

"Okay! Who here has seen Hamilton: An American Musical? Broadway, West End, even amateur productions?"

Everybody's hands are raised other than the Australians', which is unsurprising seeing as the theatre circuit there is fairly minor in comparison.

"Okay, good to know, good to know... Now, I won't tell, but who's watched some illegal bootlegs?"

Every single hand was raised, unsurprisingly. The only way any of us less privileged theatre kids can survive is with good internet connection and a healthy disregard for any and all piracy laws. 

"Well. Good to know we have a large group of criminals on our hands. All of you know the opening number, I presume?"

A chorus of 'yes' and 'of course!'s run through the group, and Lou confidently takes us through the lyrics.

"Now, I want you to all run it, as best you can, based on your part. So obviously, Jess as Angelica, Louis as Hamilton, Nick as Mulligan, so on and so forth. All good?"

More 'yes's, and soon we're being led to a familiar soundproof rehearsal room backstage.

"Right, you're going to run it. Jess, here's the speaker. Bluetooth it. I'll be back; run it and I'll come listen once you've done it a couple times."

Her silver hair sashays across her back as she rounds the corner of the doorway.

"Bluetooth, connected."

"You all ready?" Jess asks, glancing around at us.

Nods follow, along with a few "yeah"'s, and the opening song of Hamilton: An American Musical is soon playing from the black speaker as we all stand in an admittedly cult-like circle around the device.

The notes flow smoothly, and soon Harry begins to sing.

"How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a scotsman..."

I don't even pay attention to the lyrics, as Harry's smooth, melodic voice carries through the room alongside the backing track. His deep baritone floods my senses, harmonizing smoothly with the methodically written notes trailing from the dark device. I softly close my eyes as his tone changes from slow and deliberate to stronger, tenacious, almost a sense of determination filling his voice, remaining in the smooth, consistent tempo.

And then it's over. His solo has concluded, and he's standing shyly, hands buried deep into the pockets of his too-small hoodie as his curly head faces the floor. And I'm left longing to hear his melodic baritone echo through the room once more, like a dog taunted by a bone, teased with tantalizing promises of food and then left to starve.

But alas, Liam begins his solo, his methodic singing voice possibly the strongest of a seventeen year old that I know. His role is shortly followed by Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette Marquis de La Fayette. A-k-a, Lafayette, the French revolutionist, played by Ashton Irwin, who begins tensely but soon settles into the song.

Soon after Ashton concludes his solo, the Despicable Nickable (my new nickname for him, smart, isn't it) is singing his;]k-, tone void of any emotion, though I must regrettably admit that the skill is there. His voice is controlled and strong, despite the absence of emotion, which is slightly unnerving. Where Harry's voice soothed me, Nick's just puts me on edge, tensely waiting for something to go wrong. Which, obviously, it doesn't.

I await the conclusion of Nick's solo, with the knowledge that Harry's is next. 

I am now prepared for his beautiful voice, and it once more invigorates me, but I have to force myself to focus, as at any moment, my part begins. 

"What's your name man?" 
"Alexander Hamilton!"


ik, ik, it's short, im sorry, it's been weeks, you have permission to murder me if you so wish



hope you enjoy lmao

akeyla xx.

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