Chapter 19

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That night, Miles grills burgers on the back deck while I get fries going in the oven, chopping up some red onion and tomato for toppings while the food cooks

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That night, Miles grills burgers on the back deck while I get fries going in the oven, chopping up some red onion and tomato for toppings while the food cooks. It's simple and relatively quiet considering we haven't seen each other in months, but it's been a long day for both of us. We know we'll have a whole week to spend together and it's not like we didn't talk at least check in with one another at least once a week.

"I can't believe you couldn't go a whole twelve hours," I giggle at Sierra when I answer the video call, lounging on my bed. Pepper's down by my feet, sleeping away her hard day. Since dinner, I have showered and changed into pajamas, a gray Ariat sweatshirt and maroon leggings, socks on my feet.

"Shut up! I missed y'all!" Sierra huffs with an annoyed face.

"It's been almost as long as a full day of classes for us."

"Yeah, but we didn't all go to the dorm. We're miles and miles and miles apart."

"You're so ridiculous," I laugh as Dylan connects to the call.

"Hi, sorry! I was in the bathroom," she explains.

"Dyl, she's going to make us do one of these every day," I joke.

"Uh, well-"

"Oh my God, yes! Could we? Or like, every other day?" Sierra cuts in.

"No!" Dylan and I chuckle at the same time.

"I love y'all but, we can't video chat the whole time. We can text and Snap, but we need to spend some time with our families too," Dylan says.

"I agree," I nod.

"Ugh, you're both annoying,"

"You have two older sisters, how are you bored?"

"They're off having sex with their boyfriends."

"Jesus," I laugh. "Thank God I don't have that issue since my brother is right across the hallway. I don't think Miles has looked at a girl since high school."


"From what I can tell," I shrug.

"Is he gay?"

"No. He had a few girlfriends in high school but he's just been so busy with the ranch. He hasn't had time to date. Plus, he's dated pretty much all the single girls here his age."

"What about you? Did you see Wesley?"

"Yeah, for a minute. He was riding back in with my horse. He brought her down from the field she's been in."

"How sweet," Dylan smirks.

"I guess," I sigh. "He, uh, got me a birthday present."

"He did!?"

"Hello! Why wasn't that the first thing you said? Show us!" Sierra exclaims.

"I don't want to get it out. But he got me a new cowboy hat and it's really pretty," I tell them.

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