Chapter 59

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"Remember, keep your heels down," Mackenna calls out to my sister as she teaches her how to ride in the safety of the corral

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"Remember, keep your heels down," Mackenna calls out to my sister as she teaches her how to ride in the safety of the corral.

Emma is in heaven right now, and all she's doing is sitting on Charcoal, who is doing laps while Mackenna spins in slow circles, following the duo and slowly swinging a rope behind the gelding to keep him moving.

"She's a natural, huh?" my mom asks from where we're standing near the gate with my dad, watching two of the most important women in my life bonding over horses.

"Eh, she's not bad," I chuckle.

My parents and little sister arrived at Black Creek last night after driving out once my mom got out of work a bit earlier than normal. It's mid-afternoon on Friday afternoon and Miles oh so kindly gave me the day to spend with my family.

Mackenna and I gave them a tour of the immediate area surrounding the house and barn and my sister is in love in a way I haven't seen before.

"What do you think dad? Get her a horse instead of a car for her sixteenth?" I lean around my mom to look at him.

"Maybe," he barely chuckles. He's been holding on the rail that's at chest level since we got out here not even that long ago after having some lunch.

"Although, it wouldn't be practical, so maybe a car would be better. Guess you got another year or so to decide," I try to joke again. I don't know what it is, but something seems off with them, more so than normal considering my dad's health.

"I can't believe you get to do this every day," Emma calls out.

"It's fun, huh?" Mackenna asks.

"Yeah," she beams down at my girlfriend.

"Whatcha think, ready to pick up the pace?"

"You think I'm ready?"

"Uh, yeah," Mackenna giggles. "By the time you go home, we'll be running laps around your brother."

"You really think?"

"Yep. My dad taught me how to ride and I'm teaching you. Who knows where the hell your brother learned."

"Watch yourself Mac," I shout in her direction.

She catches my eyes with a wink before turning her full attention back to my sister. "Alright, he's going to move into a trot, but you'll be fine. Just hold on, keep those heels down and adjust your bounce to match his stride."

"That's it?" Emma asks her.

"That's it," she nods. "I'll be right here, keeping him in check."

"Okay. Let's go for it."

"Good choice." Mackenna clicks her tongue and slightly picks up speed with the rope, encouraging Charcoal to change into the touch faster gait.

"Want to give it a shot dad?" I ask him after the group in the ring do several more laps. "Charcoal is as calm as they come."

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