The end of something great but the start of something new /

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This really isn't a rant but I just needed to put it some where 👎👎✌️

So it's my last year at my school because it only goes k-8 and I'm in 8 #obviously but anyways I'm really coming to face reality with going to high school next year and not having a lot of free time that I need to step my game up but the thing that hurts the most is leaving all my old teachers behind that I've grew closer to over the years and my teachers and friends from this year and I've also realized that a lot of school events are my last ever at my school that I will attend because I won't go there anymore. I know I sound like a complainer and a baby but oh well Idgaf tbh. I've also come to reality about who are and aren't my real friends which I've figured out most of them already. But anyways I just needed to put that somewhere so byee 👋👋✌️👌👍✋👏

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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