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I was sitting at the kitchen table of our base house waiting for my brother to wake up. The waffles I made were already placed on two plates with a cup of coffee on each side. Being the caring sister I am, I placed a big glass of water and a painkiller next to it on Pete's side.

The way he acted yesterday felt wrong and I needed to talk to him about it. I'm a grown woman, he doesn't have a say in who I date or sleep with. Pete really embarrassed me in front of Tom, he usually doesn't get this drunk. 

Finally I heard steps coming towards the kitchen. I looked up from the coffee I was drinking, making eye contact with a completely dishevelled Pete.

"Here, I prepared a glass of water and a painkiller. You're lucky we don't have class today." I kept my voice down, not wanting to make his headache worse. "Thanks." His voice was groggy and his eyes where half-closed. He reached for his glass and the painkiller.

 After he had taken the painkiller I made him eat his breakfast, wanting the painkiller to have settled in before starting the conversation.

"Thanks for breakfast sis. I really needed it." He smiled at me, but I knew he was still angry about yesterday. He wasn't the only one. I nodded at him, acknowledging his thanks.

"We need to talk about yesterday." Instantly the kitchen filled with tension, both of us angry at eachother. "We do." He responded, looking up from his plate.

 "You can't just stop me from flirting with a guy Pete! I'm an adult, I can take care of myself. And Tom has been nothing but respectful to me." He frowned, his face scrutching up in disgust. "But why Iceman out of all people?! Like I wouldn't have cared if it was Wolfman or Slider. But why him?!" His voice raised slightly, I didn't seem to get why it bothered him so much. "Because Tom is the one that catched my eye! I've had my eye on him the very first moment I entered inside the classroom. I'm not saying it's gonna be a great love story, but who knows? " Pete was getting angry, his eyebrows were still froncing while he bited his lip. "I refuse. I do not want you to pursue this. There are other men, not him. He's my rival and you ending up with him is wrong." 

Before I could counter, feeling angry now too, he stood up and left the table. Thanking me once more before putting his plate and fork in the sink.

Instantly I left everything on the table, took my aviator jacket and my keys and I slammed the front door before entering in my car. Nick always knew how to calm me down. I would have gone to Leah's for boys advice but since Wolfman probably slept at her house, I decided it'd be better for me to leave them be.

While driving towards Nick's (and soon Carole's and Bradley's) base house, 'everybody wants to rule the world' started playing on the radio. Instantly I turned the volume up while belting out the lyrics. It made the drive seem even shorter than what it already was.

I parked my car in front of Nick's house before stepping out of the car. Nick probably heard me parking, because the door opened even before I could knock on it. 

"Little Player! What's my favourite girl doing here?" Instantly a smile made its way on my froncing face. "NICKY!" I ran towards him, jumping in his arms while he held me close to him.  He placed me back on the ground after some seconds had passed. "C'mon, enter!" 

Nick made me enter before closing the door. I took my shoes off not wanting to get his floor dirty. Then I followed Nick towards the living room where he told me I could sit while he went to bring us some beers.

"So little Player, what's on your mind? I know you didn't just come here to see me cuz Mav would be here too if that was the case." I sighed while sipping at the beer Nick gave me. It reminded me of the moment I had with Tom, instantly I felt my cheeks heat up.  Nick seemed to notice my blushing cheeks since a smirk had replaced his soft smile. 

"So...this is about Tom Kazansky, isn't it?" I turned to look at him (he was now sat next to me). Another sigh left my lips while I nodded slightly. "Yeah but it's also about Pete. There's just this whole thing going on and I need advice." A small smile stretched on his lips before he gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Talk to mother Goose, I'll help you with your hum cold problem." I couldn't help but chuckle at his typical dad jokes. But that didn't mean my laughing wasn't accompanied by one of my famous eye rolls. "Very funny Nicky. Anyway I just don't know what to do. On one side I have my brother and he doesn't accept whatever it is that's going on between me and Tom. He told me he refused me going after Ice. But then on the other side you have Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, my literally dream come true. He's charming, respectful, far more than just good on the eye, has the most attractive voice I've ever heard, he's funny PLUS he's a big green flag since his beer taste is immaculate." Nick laughed at my listing of Tom's qualities. He seemed to be in deep thought before he suddenly jumped up from the coach, making me almost spill beer on myself.

 "You know what I think you should do?! I think you should have one of those super secret hot relationships you see in movies. Something like rivals in the air but lovers in bed." I couldn't help the blush that covered my cheeks, I threw a pillow at him, shocked that that idea even came out of his mouth. He easily catched the pillow, smiling his big loving smile before throwing it back at me. 

"Be serious Nicky, you think Tom would agree to that? Plus I would be lying to my brother." Nick rolled his eyes before sitting next to me again. "First of all Ice is totally about that kind of stuff. Acting like you hate eachother in public, but then make love to eachother like nobody else has done in HIS bed? Are you kidding me? He's totally into that. And second, who cares? Like Mav has had his chance with blondie in pink yesterday, now it's your turn with Iceman! I'll help you with it!

I looked at Nick incredulously, laughing at his antics before settling on kissing his cheek. "I'll think about it. Thank you for your suggestion Nick." He smiled at me, but before I could stand up to leave, he held my hand while telling me:

"Y/n, don't let Pete ruin your chances with Tom. This may be your one track train to marriage and children, don't lose the ticket because an obstacle stood in the train's way."

A/n: Heyy guys! What'd you think of this chapter? I personally don't like it as much as the other ones but the moment with Nick was cute.

Fourth question:

What are you studying? Or what's your job?

I'm currently studying modern languages!

I hope you enjoyed this, and if you did please don't forget to vote! Bye guys <33

Ice Cold ~ Tom &quot;Iceman&quot; Kazansky [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now