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"Let me get to know you. Let me make time for you in my life. Please my princess, let me make you fall in love with me...

Because I'm more than ready to fall for you..."

My eyes held the biggest stars in them, stars that appeared because of the man sitting under me. It was such a weird feeling, I knew I didn't love or like him yet, since I barely knew Tom. But I knew that someday feelings would be there, like his name was written next to mine in the book of soulmates. It was a feeling so pure and hopefull, it was the feeling of being accepted as a potential partner. And that felt oh so good.

A smile grew on my face, not just any smile, it was one of those big ear to ear smiles. Those you can't seem to hide, even if the moment you're in truly needs you to hide it. Our foreheads were still pressed against eachother, and I couldn't help but admire his beautiful icy eyes while my cheeks tinted red. 

"Fuck Tom, you don't know how bad I want to fall for you. Why don't you take me out on a date, Kazansky?" 

He smirked, his reddening cheeks still on display, while his hands gripped my waist a bit tighter. 

"Would you like that, Mitchell? Me taking you out for dinner, having an amazing time talking and laughing, me taking you back home and kissing you in front of your porch and maybe....you'll invite me in? Or maybe...I'll take you back to mine. Since you know...your brother isn't supposed to know." 

His whispering voice brushed against my ear, the tone of his voice so sultry and sensual, it made my breath hitch. My hands gripped at his shoulders trying to keep myself from failing, I never swooned over a guy, but he seemed to be an exception for everything. 

"Yeah... I would truly love that. Every bit of it."

 His lips ghosted over my neck, sending shivers all over my body. He was chuckling, loving the way my body reacted to him, even if his touch was as light as a feather. Fuck he's killing me, what is this man doing to me.

"Then I'll take my princess out Friday night at the Italian restaurant not far from here, if  that's okay with her?" 

I bit my lip slightly, feeling my cheeks heating up again, my smile never leaving my face.

"I think that's a great idea... Friday at 8pm, don't be late." 

I wanted to tease him too, since he had been doing it for the past few days. My lips lowered towards his, our breaths mingling while I felt his hands tightening their grip on my waits. My tongue slightly touched his soft looking  lips before I retreated myself completely.

And just like that I stood up from my place on his lap. I took my aviators and my jacket before turning around and sending a wink at him, loving the way his hot smirk came back. 

"Bye Kazansky..." 

I closed the door of the locker room, feeling my rapid heartbeat against my chest. A hearty giggle left my lips, I felt like a high-schooler crushing on the most popular boy of the school. I couldn't believe this was happening. I'm going on a date with my brother's enemy. This is officially happening, like fucking hell my brother will so kill me if he finds out. But you know? It's worth it.

I was walking towards my car, knowing Johns was probably there waiting on me. Well maybe she went with Wolfie, wouldn't be new. 

Leah was there, leaning against my car, smoking what seemed to be her third cigarette of the day. She had her little radio on, blasting ABBA's Lay all your love on me. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her, she had been there for me through so many moments of my life. I couldn't be more blessed than with her as my 'sister'. 

When she heard my steps, her head snapped towards the sound. Johns immediately remarked the big smile on my face, the red tint on my cheeks and my dilated pupils. A huge smirk covered her face as she wiggled her eyebrows.

 "You better tell me every fucking detail! I want to take a picture of your face right now. It's the purest expression I ever saw on you." 

I laughed at her enthusiasm, she seemed to bask in knowing that after such a long time, I finally went back to having an interest in someone. 

"Don't worry Johns, I'll tell you everything. Let's go grab a coffee, I know this cute place not to far from here. It'll be perfect for our very long talk, since you still need to tell me everything about you and Wolfie!"

A/n: heyy guys!! Sorry for the very long wait, and for the short chapter. I finished my exams yesterday and I'm still feeling pretty tired so I didn't have a lot of energy to write a longer chapter. I'll definitely write longer ones after I'm feeling rested!

Eighth Question:

What's your favourite movie?

I can't really chose but it'll be or one of the Harry Potter movies, Grease, one of the Rocky movies, Top Gun or a Tim Burton movie. There's far to much to chose from, even more considering I'm a very big movies person. 

If you could vote and comment it'll be amazing! Thx for all the support and the love. Bye guys ♡♡

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