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Kingdom of Tretta.....

Its been two days since princess Sollel disappeared and no one knows her whereabouts. The kingdom of Tretta is tensed up as their princess is lost and they cant find her.

The king has sent soldiers to search the whole kingdom and surrounding towns. Sollel knew that her father will  send soldiers to find her that's why she decided to take a secret passage the chef, Moyhel, showed her.

The king was sitting in his throne room when the set of guards he sent to The surrounding towns came in.

"Your highness, we've searched everywhere and we can't find her"

The king, king Adral, was furious and he slammed his hand on the side of his throne in anger.

"Find her!, i don't care what it takes!"

Early the next morning, Sollel, pubry and Kai, began the journey through the wide ranged desert that was crawling with creatures of different kinds.

The scorching sun wasn't helping matters at that and they practically dragged themselves through the dry land.

"Gosh!, i am going to die of heat" pubry said using her hand to fan herself and then taking a long drink from her water canteen.

"Careful pubry, we just started walking and you've almost finished your water. What do you expect to drink when we reach the centre of the desert?" Sollel asked.

"Fine, but...."

"I think you should listen to my lady, drink only when its necessary" kai added

"I'm not your lady" Sollel added with a scoff and clicked her tounge when Kai chuckled.

They were still talking until Pubry-- who was upfront-- stopped abruptly.

"Why did you St....oh my wha?" Sollel said and used her palm to cover her mouth in shock when she saw what was below the steep.

It was something with the skin of a lizard, it was very big, about the size of five horses put together and as tall as a castle. The creature looked horrifying in its grey and yellow scales and its pale green eyes. It hadn't spotted them yet until somehow the ground on which they stood, suddenly started shaking and they fell down the steep, alerting the creature of their presence.

It got up with a lot of force causing the ground to shake. And on impulse Pubry shot three arrows at the creature in an attempt to weaken it but it only made it furious and to make it worse, her arrows just bounced off it's skin.

"What is that?" Pubry asked on the top of her voice because of the noise the beast was making.

"That's a fymph, they are rare and only five in the world. They are said to be extinct, but some mythological concepts still prove that they exist. The main problem here is that they are almost impossible to kill, and they are very ferocious." Kai explained.

The fymph shot it's long tounge at them, barely missing Pubry, and causing the ground to shake again.

"-- oh and one more thing, their mode of attack is their Venomous tounge. While their mode of defence is their thick skin." Kai said.

"Mehn.. I'm done with fucking creatures that weren't meant to exist" Sollel said angrily after listening to kai's explanation. She looked around and saw a giant rock behind the fymph, which she climbed without much effort and jumped down and landed on its tail. She crawled up to its back and using her sword, she stabbed it continuously. She only managed to make a dent on its skin.

The fymph then noticed she was on its back and it started shaking vigorously, trying to get her off its back. Meanwhile kai was using his two war blades to attack it below.

It finally shook Sollel off its back causing her to fly in the air and land far away, tearing the side of her forehead.


"My lady!!" Kai and Pubry shouted at the same time, while trying to avoid the fymph's tounge.

Sollel got up not minding the blood that was flowing down her face. She got up in anger panting furiously.

"If I'm gonna fight a kingdom of Wraiths and win.. I might as well defeat this this this thing" she said to herself.

She ran towards the creature and stopped when she saw something. It was a tiny cut on the base of its neck, and she got an idea immediately. She ran towards the fymph with speed, and using its forearm as steps, climbed the giant creature and forced her sword into the cut using all her might to pull the sword down, cutting it from it's neck down to its stomach, killing it at the same time being drenched in hot black sticky blood.
The fymph fell down with a thud causing the three of them to loose their balance and fall down.

"Sol!.. O my gosh, sol you're amazing"

"Told you i can survive on my own, don't need a guard"

"Oh!" Kai said with a sad expression that didn't skip Pubry's sharp eyes but went unnoticed by Sollel.

"Uhm pubry, how do i get this off me?" Sollel asked gesturing towards the blood that was all over her body.

Since they were in a desert and there was no supply of water, she didn't know what to do.

"Uhm.. Will these help" kai asked handing her a box of wet wipes and she gave him a flat look.

"Are you really as stupid as you look?"  She asked eyeing him.

This pissed Kai off and he said with a grunt.

"You are really an ungrateful person you know, I'm trying to help and you didn't even let me finish you've already tagged me stupid when we've only met for a day!. These are enchanted silks and they clean faster than soap, they come in handy for long journeys, here" kai said handing the wipes over to her and walking away angrily.

Sollel stood there with the box in her hand, feeling bad about what just happened.

Pubry went to go and observe the fymph, while Sollel went behind the rock to clean herself and put on a fresh change of clothes from her satchel.


Sollel was done changing and honestly the silk kai gave her, felt like a bath. Pubry said she wanted to study the creature some more and asked that they camp in that area for the night and proceed the next day. Sollel agreed, and she was really exhausted to begin with.

She looked around and saw Kai sitting on the ground resting his back on a big rock, and she went over to him.



"Uhm, first of all thanks for the wipes stuff, it really helped, plus i smell like lavender"

"Glad you like it, my lady"

"Also,I'm sorry, i shouldn't have spoken the way i did, we'll be travelling together for a week so i should be nicer"

He looked at her and smiled.

"Apology accepted my lady"

"Can you not call me 'my lady', please?"

"Of course,...my lady" he said teasingly and Sollel just chuckled.

They sat there in silence for dome time just staring at the sky.
Knowing fully well that this is just the beginning.

Thanks for reading, pls vote and tell me what you think in the comment section.

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