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They sat there thinking of ways to escape.

"Kai, scoot closer" Sollel says having an idea in mind.

"Ugh okay."

He scoots closer and she tries to use her legs to loosen his hands which were behind him. She was surprisingly making progress when the door slams open.

"Well sorry to disrupt your sleep, but our magesties seek your presence. Now get up." A sweaty guard says loosing their bounds and kicking them.

After they are free, he leads them through a long corridor and into a large hallway where they walk for some minutes.

After some minutes they finally reach large double doors which the guard pushes open.

"Your Highness. Her magesty. Here are the prisoners." He says bowing and walking out and time seems to stall.

The Prince's POV

Ranel came home the other day saying she has found the daughter of the woman my mother loathed.

Ranel had taken it upon herself to find her and kill her the day she found out. I really wasn't interested at first, but seeing how far my little sister went for this, I had to atleast support her.

This morning she informed me that she'd like me to be there when she decided what to do with her. I wasn't really interested but again I needed some fun In my life. A thousand years on earth and no reason to live and no reason to die either.

I watch her as she sends Lewis to get them from the cell and I sit back on my throne and wait.

In some minutes the doors open revealing Lewis and four people in ragged clothing.

My eyes scan them until it stops on one of the women. She had fierce intriguing red eyes and her aura was captivating.

I couldn't take my eyes off her for reasons I myself can't explain.

Before I could process what's going on, my body decided to move on it's own and I found myself walking across the large throne room and towards the woman.

Once I was right in front of her, the pull became stronger and her smell became more captivating.

"Damien, that's her. That's Sollel" I heard Ranel say in the background and at the same time my heartbeat rate increases by a thousand. There was only one thought in my mind. And it was to protect her.

But knowing Ranel, if she found out about my new found attraction, she'd have more reason to end her. That thought alone made my blood boil. So on that spot, i decided to lay low until the time's right.

It took some seconds before I realised I was still right in front of her and coming to my senses, I see her red eyes staring at me with inquiry and my breath immediately hitched.

Why?. Why am I feeling this way over a woman? I should not be feeling this way and it's messing with my thoughts.

I turn and walk away trying to cool down, I hear Ranel calling me but my mind is barely conscious, I walk to my secret garden and try to put my thoughts in order.

General POV

Kai didn't quite like the way Damien was staring at Sollel, it made him uncomfortable. And all the while as he stared at Sollel, he fought the urge to punch him.

The silence in the large throne room was broken again by Ranel calling out to Damien.

"Ugh. What's his problem? Anyways back to the business at hand..."

"What do you want Ranel?" Sollel says venom lacing her tone.

"Now now Sollel, you might want to be calm because as of now, your life is in my hands"

Sollel rolled her eyes but still maintained her glare.

"What do you want?"

"What do I want? Hmm let's see, revenge?!"

"Why would you want to revenge on me and why are you dragging my friends along."

"You want to know why I want to revenge? I'll tell you. Because your sorry excuse of a mother hurt my mum!"

Sollel growled

"Now I won't stand back and let you insult my mother. Watch your tongue!"

"The only thing I'll be watching is your beheading ceremony"

The throne room went deadly silent again. All that could be heard was the Ranels ragged breathing. Just then Sollel burst out into laughter. It was more of a sardonic laugh than a humorous laugh. Ranel looked at her like she was crazy while the others looked confused.

As if on command, she abruptly stopped and her gaze turned hard again as she stepped forward towards Ranel.


"What did you just say?"

"I called you a coward"

"You littl--"

"Do you want to know why I called you that?"


"It's because that's what you are. You want me beheaded and all your problems will be magically solved. You're a coward because if you want to enjoy your revenge, fight me yourself." She says as if daring her, all the while fueling her rage.

"Sol! What are you doing?! She's way to powerful and you know it" Pubry whispered worried.

"Trust me." She says and Pubry nods.

"Hmmph. And do you think if you fight me you'll survive?"

"There's only one way to find out."

"Fine. Let's have it your way. If you want to die by my sword then so be it" Ranel says with a smirk

"But first, I need.. we need food. We're barely scrapping by. Surely you wouldn't want to fight someones who's not prepared?"

"I don't think you get it Sollel. You're being way to comfortable. You're a prisoner."

"No I'm not. I'm a force you can never conquer"


After some back and forth, they were finally allowed access to food but on the account that they'll cook their own food.

Currently they're all packed in the kitchen looking around while Sollel moves to and fro with pots pans and the ingredients.

"Sol. What exactly is the plan?" Pubry asked standing beside her.

"I don't know, I'm confused right now and I'm worried my impulses might cause more trouble." She says moving to and fro clearly anxious.

"Sol." Kai calls and she turns to find him right behind her. "Breathe. Calm down. You got this" He says and she takes deep breaths trying to calm down.

The rice in the pot bubbles over and just then Ranel walks in.

"I'm not quite s--" her speech was cut off by Sollel, who under impulse, dumped the boiling pot of rice on Ranel who let out a large shout and fell down, her skin burning and peeling.

"Run. Now!!" Sollel screamed taking off and the others followed behind her. They headed straight for the front door, increasing their pace when they he hear Damien give an order.

"After them!!"

They run as fast as they can, not caring to look behind. Although they could here the thumping of heels behind them they didn't slow down, they kept on running.

Sollels face scrunched up in disgust as she realised how much she hated running. But she had no choice.

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