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Hello! I decided to post early! Surprise!


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"What's happening?" Keefe asked, stumbling back and staring at his hands. "I... I can't feel anything."

Even Lady Gisela couldn't conjure anything with a snap.

"I don't understand," Sophie mumbled.

"You're not supposed to," an unfamiliar voice said-in a tone that was dark and raw and somehow melodic.

"Who's there?" Keefe shouted as everyone scrambled to their feet. "Who are you?"

At first there was no answer.

Then the figure in a gray cloak stepped out of thin air. "My name is Elysian," she said, "and I am the power source you're all here looking for."

Sophie squinted her eyes at the cloaked figure, trying to save the memory so perfectly so that she could show the memory to Mr. Forkle in such detail.

If they get back...

The thought lingered in Sophie's mind.


There was that word again...

Sophie felt like hyperventilating, but she had to control herself if she wanted herself and her friends to get out of this mess alive.

And if she wanted Sandor to live. She hoped Sandor was safe.

Sophie drew her attention back to Elysian. Something about their appearance seemed off. They were almost somehow floating... Sophie drew back a gasp but failed completely when she noticed the figure WAS floating. Where there was supposed to be legs it was just fizzled black mist. This reminded Sophie of genies. She had mentioned a genie once to Fitz during Cognate training, but he looked super confused and Sophie had to tell him that it was a human myth.

Sophie gazed at her friends everyone looked scared except Fitz. He looked shocked and confused.

They're... they're...floating. But not with telekinesis. They don't have- Fitz was cut off while sending the transmission.

Legs. Sophie finished for him.


Fitz cut their connection so they could listen to Elysian talk.

"But why are you alive? I thought you were a star or a stone like most of the other elements we have found," Keefe stated. Unaware that everyone was silently shaking their heads at him trying to signal him not to talk.

"Ah, yes. I was created-not an original element. I'm special. And only have a few days to live before I go back to sleep for ages. They affected my DNA or genetics; much like that blonde one over there that I have heard so much about," Elysian explained in a dark voice.

"But who created you?" Keefe interrogated.

"Tsk tsk. Curious as you are, I will not be questioned like this. I could cooperate with you. But I won't. Just like how you won't get out of here alive." Elysian sneered.

Everyone seemed to hold their breath while Elysian cackled.

"I don't think so," Keefe grumbled under his breath. Only so Sophie could see it, Keefe took her dagger named Hope from under his cape. His gaze caught Sophie's eyes.

Please don't get hurt. Sophie pleaded.

Don't worry Foster, I won't break your record of Healing Center visits.

Keefe, I'm serious.

I'll try. And if I do, I'm sure you'll find a way to get us out of this mess.

I love you. Sophie transmitted so silently that she doubted Keefe would be able to hear.

Love you too, Foster ... Love you too.

Sophie severed their connection.

"Please let us go, or at least keep her," Keefe pointed to Lady Gisela.

"Fine. But it will come at a cost. An extreme cost."


"Anything? I will give you two options. You will either let me have the Stellarlune creeping inside you, which I'm assuming is to make you stronger. OR, you will give me one of your powers."

Sophie chanted in her head to choose the second one so that he would be able to get the awful power his mom gave him to go away. But she knew Keefe.

"Alright, Let's go with the first option," Keefe looked like he was barely holding a smirk back.

"Yes, Let's," Elysian agreed.

A bunch of different colored light swirled around Keefe and eventually sank through him. Sophie screamed. It had taken Keefe out, leaving him unconscious.


Sophie shook her head, it was for the best, Keefe would be safer.

One the process was finished, Elysian shouted at everyone, " I have gotten what I wanted. Go. Leave my home. But I want that one to stay with me. I will need another cost from them."

Sophie almost let out a sob because she thought Elysian was pointing at Maruca, but thankfully, she was pointing at Lady Gisela.

Sophie sprinted over to levitate Keefe off the ground and took out her Havenfield light-leaping crystal. She and her friends held onto each other's hands. Sophie didn't look behind her until they stepped into the light.

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Hey! How did you like it? I'm not sure when the next chapter is, so-uh-yeah.

I'm not sure how long this will be, but I hope you will keep reading it!

Ik would be amazing if you could vote and leave a comment!

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