Chapter one

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Chapter One

↳"the breathe of fire

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"the breathe of fire."

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Kingslanding, 120

"Blue and Silver shall be mine, armoured dream with breathe of fire," muttered Helaena during her sewing lesson with her younger niece Alyssa. The eight year old already got used to the her aunt rambling. She even tried to figure them out and paint her dreams. It helped Helaena a lot and Alyssa could spend more time with her. The young girl despited sewing a lot and only her aunt made it bearable.
"We should leave and try to see what this dream means!," muttered Alyssa and then cursed under her breath after accidentally stinging herself with the needle. Immediately got scolded by their teacher and Alyssa just glared at her.

Helaena considered her nieces words but she knew she had to do it alone. The blonde appreciated Alyssa's help and counted her as one of her closest friends and she knew that the brunette shared the same feelings.
"No, it's okay I know what I have to do," Helaena smiled at Alyssa and she nodded. Then the blonde left. As soon as Heleana walked out Aemond and one of the Maesters walked into the library. Alyssa jumped to her feet and hugged her uncle and one of her best friends.
"Please tell me you came to save me from this torture," she dramatically let herself sink into the chair and pretended to faint. Making her uncle chuckle. Unfortunately, he didn't came to rescue her but instead for their daily high Valyrian lessons.

Viserys wasn't on board teaching his children but as soon as Alyssa showed interest, he'd made the lessons possible. The young girl never understood why he treated her or her brothers so differently from his own children with queen alicent. She hated it, why couldn't he love his children the way he loves her mother? Or her and her siblings. Before she could thought more of it, she felt a light kick on her leg. Glaring at the score, who just innocently nodded to the Maester. The man looked over to her excepting an answer to his question.
"I wasn't listening, I'm sorry," the girl smiled at him sweetly. Making the Maester nod, in understanding. He noticed that, the solid reason he had asked the young princess to translate the next page.
"I was asking if you could translate this page for us."
He showed her a part of the book about the history of the Targaryens. Eagerly nodding, she began to translate the page.

Meanwhile Helaena Targaryen had a mission on her own. She had one of her dreams but this one had repeated for almost a week. Usually her dreams weren't as clear and the princess would only see parts forming her riddles together. This dream was about a dragon and she knew exactly where to find her. Before she had to sneak her way out of the castle. Knowing how overprotective her mother could be, it was the best option. First she'd had to get ride of her sworn protector.

Brander Kale was a young man from Dorne and was raising two children on his own. After the deaths of his best friend and his wife, he chose to move  to kingslanding. .He hoped the healers would be better there. His wife was deadly sick, nothing could cure her. He swore an oath to protect the young princess til his death. The dark haired man had once worked for house Blackmont. They had suggested him his position in the kingsguard, to the king and queen. The Kales were respected by everyone, a small house in Dorne and they were making the wine in Dorne.

Therefore Helaena told him that she wouldn't need him for the rest of the day. Desiring to wish to see her best friend Alyssa. She had her own sworn protector and he wouldn't be needed. She felt bad for the lie but she didn't saw other way. As soon as she was In Alyssa's room, she climbed out from the window to the tree closeted. Successfully she climbed down and only stopped shortly before the widows in the library. Hearing Alyssa and her little brother Aemond discuss, what had happened to Aerea when she was away with Balerion or If she didn't switched with her twin Rhaella again during their high Valyrian lessons. It was aemond talking while helaena made her way to the ground. As soon her foot touched the ground, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

Alyssa made her way back to her room. The guards greeted her and informed her that helaena was waiting inside for her. Looking around the room it was empty and no sight of her aunt. Running to the open widow, carefully to not accidentally push her dragon toy down. The young princess could swear it wasn't on the widow, when she left earlier. she couldn't spot her in the garden either.
"Helaena!," Alyssa called out in hopes that she was just hiding. Deep down the little girl knew that wasn't the case.

The next half hour she ran into every place, her aunt could be. Hell, she even went into her uncle aegons room. Lastly she made her way to her brothers and uncles. They were training with Ser Harwin Strong and Ser Criston Cole. The group stopped as soon they heard Alyssa approach them.
"She's gone! I looked at every place! In her room... mothers, yours, the library everywhere! I can't find her," tears started to form in the brunettes eyes and they reflected worry and desperation in them. Jace put his hands on his twins face to gently rub her face. To calm her down, seeing how  stressed his older sister was.
"Who's gone?," harwin crouched down to her.

Everyone teamed up to search for the princess. Leanor and Rheanyra tried to find helaena with their dragons. Alicent and her sons were looking in the castle. So were Alyssa, Luke and Jace. Ser Brander Kale walked though the streets of kingslanding. Harwin was him. Several guards were doing the same. Viserys was calmly in his quarters, not looking for Helaena or even considering it. He unlike the rest knew where she was. He did not bother telling the others.

"I should have known better than leave her out of my sight," Brander Kale spoke up and walked next to Harwin strong.
"Children you have to let them by," Harwin Strong said. He stopped in his tracks. Making his friend stop as well.
"You have no children, you wouldn't know," Ser Kale reminded Harwin. He knew it was a lie but who knew who would listen into their conversation?? Harwin signed and knew better than to mention anything about children. Knowing it would make the rumours only worse.
"How are your children?Neania and Barret, were their names right?" Causing his friend to nod his head. The two continued to walk though the streets with Barder Kale talking about his children.

Suddenly a large blue dragon flew over kingslanding, the dragon was followed by two other dragons. The two knights shared one look and then ran back to the Palast. Where they met with everyone else, alyssa was happily jumping around. Screaming that her friend and aunt has claimed a dragon on her own. Aegon and Dearon walked past the knights, to get to their dragons. Soon five dragons and their riders were flying around and then reunited with the other dragons in the dragon pit. Queen Alicent was close to fainting, seeing her sweet helaena on a dragon. From the five dragons, Helaenas was the largest. The blue she dragon, Dreamfrye was hers now. Leaving only Aemond Targaryen riderless...

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In honour of "Alyssa's birthday" I had to update!🌬

- - - In honour of "Alyssa's birthday" I had to update!🌬

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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