Chapter one These damn kids.

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(kevins Pov)

This bitch of a lady walks in like she owns the place and walks up to the counter and like I have to say to everyone "What would you like ma'am?" she cut me off before I could even finsh talking "Not you. I want one of everything double that" she said and turned around then walked out. I did as she asked took the candy to her and she left. Then
I see those anoying kids walk in, The skeleton and pumpkin kid. They walk up to the counter and ask "Kevin! can we have som-" I cut them off  as I walk infront of them and say "No leave! all you guys do is cause me trouble!" I said as I saw a guy in the window. "See that's trouble! ...wait k-kids why has he been following you?" I ask in a worried tone as the red demon looking guy walked it scraping his knife against a sharper. I stay standing infront of those kids protecting them and putting my arms out infront of them as well. The guy stepped closer to us then I moved over to the gumball dispenser and released
gumballs onto the ground to hopefully trip the guy, That dd nothing and I fell down myself. "Kevin are you ok?!" the kids ask me as I got back up and the guy ate the gumballs off the floor. "Outside kids..Quick!" I say to them as we quickly went outside into the alleyway. I fell full on rage as all the kids cared about was candy I heard them say "we just want our candy!" I hand them a box and say "Here!" and they finally leave.

(Strebers pov)
I see a skeleton and pumpkin kid walk up to my haunted house! I get extremely happy as they walk to the door and I pop out. "Hello kids! ready to be spooked?!" I heard them giggle and say "Yea!" I smile and walk out "Im a real vampire! here let me show you!" I push them over to a green screen mirror as I flip my cape over myself and they both were amazed! I step back and they run inside the haunted house and i fix my cape collar and saw a red guy walking up and turn to him with a smile "hello! are you ready to be spooked?!" I said to him smiling then he said "did you know that if you eat a human brain you can get multiple diseases?" He towered over me licking his lips and I felt fear roll over me and I mumbled out "What...?" before I could even step back he grabbed my arm agressively and pulled hard I started to cry out in pain as his grip got tighter and tighter. He yanked my arm hard until he full ripped it off and blood gushed out and i screamed out then felt light head as he hit me in the head and that started to bleed as well I hit the ground and the guy walked into the haunted house. Then those kids ran out and saw me I heard one say "woah! so real!" I tried to speak out and ask for help but nothing came out those kids left and a few minutes later the guy came out and looked down at me with a laugh then he left. A guy that also was a vampire like me walked put as I was slowly passing out. I heard him scream "HELP SOME HELP!!" as he pulled his phone out and called what I hoped was 911, I then passed out.

(Kevins pov)
After a bit I finally got off work and chose to walk down to were strebwr worked because I missed my boyfriend duh, I looked at my phone happily and texted him that I was on my way and looked at my wallpaper as it was me and him together. I saw cop cars pass me and I didn't really think about it until I saw them heading to the haunted house and I started running there as fast as I could. Once I got there I saw an ambulance and multiple cop cars around the place. My heart dropped as I saw streber on a carrier. He was covered in blood. His favorite costume covered in blood he was lifeless, He wasn't moving. Just this morning he told me how happy he was to host the haunted house again. He was so happy. I ran over to him as they put him into the back of the ambulance and I cried out while cops pulled me back "STREBER NO!! NO NO STREBER PLEASE BE OK!!" The cops let me go as I ran and sat in the back with Streber I sat there and sobbed loudly asbwe drove to the hospital thinking "what if he's dead..?! hes dead no..! he's not..!" I sit there panicking and crying as we arrived to the hospital and they rushed him in and I followed until they made me wait outside of the room. It took HOURS for them to fix him up and get him stable. A doctor came out and told me it was ok to come in and I ran in as fast as I could and saw him awake.

(Strebers Pov)
I woke up and felt my arm in extreme pain..or what I thought was my arm I looked down at it and saw almost half of it was gone. What happened was real. I sit there quietly and softly cry until I hear kevin's voice outside the door and it open and I saw him walk in I see he's been crying. He runs over to me and hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I hear him speak out "What happened are you ok?! how are you feeling?!" between sobs. I pat his back with my arm I still had "Im ok..I think..I don't even really understand what happened. That creepy demon guy did this.." I said and kevin stepped back and yelled out "DAMN IT!! THAT FUCKER!!" I look at him confused and a bit worried, "You know thet guy..?!" I ask him "Yes!! those stupid kids the skeleton and pumpkin kid were being followed by him..! he was about to kill us I think.."I look at him and realized that guy was still after them because he came after they did. "He's still after them..! I saw them before he came..! we should say something!!" Kevin hugged me again and said "We need to stay out of this you were already hurt streber! You not getting hurt again I can't lose you..!!" I went to say something but paused then got up stumbling slightly and hugged him "Im ok kevin and I will stay being ok, we should say something." He hugged me back and said "Yes I know but just please take a bit for yourself you just woke up and still are majorly hurt.." I softly sigh and nodded as he helped me back to the hospital bed and layed me down then sat next to me then softly kissed my forehead and I smiled up at him.

(Part 2?)

(1216 words)

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