Chapter 3 Thank god..

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(strebers pov)
I full force kicked him back as I slammed the door shut and helped kevin up. I hear him cough blood up I start to panic as I walk us to the bathroom and lock the door and gently lay him down on the ground as he groaned out in pain. "..Streb i'm ok..I promise it's not that bad. I think..-" kevin said to me. I panicked still but then I calmed myself down and helped Kevin, I grab a towel and gently place it around the knife. "Kevin your not ok. Listen to me do NOT touch the knife just hold the towel around the wound ok.?" I say in a worried but serious tone. He nodded in agreement and did so while I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called 911, I then heard a loud bang and the door slam to the ground. Me and kevin went dead slient as we heard foot steps inside the house.

(Kevins pov)
before I knew it I was stabbed and dragged to the bathroom and the son of a bitch was in my house. I wasn't going to let him get away this time no way in hell. I take a deep breath then yanked the knife out of my stomach and held the towel tightly against myself and streber looked at me in full blown panic. "Kevin..!! I told you not to do that..!" he said in a whisper. "I know..I know but i have to." I said as I stood up slowly and open the cabinet in the bath and grabbed the bandages and sat down on the side of the tub and moved the towel then lifted my shirt and placed a gauze pad on the wound and wrapped an ace bandage around it and stood up groaning in pain. "...Shit it fucking hurts.." I mumbled quietly and streber looked at me concerned "Kevin what are you doing..?!" Streber asked in a worried whisper. I just nod at him and quietly walk to the door and opened and say "Please stay here ok? I can't lose you." I walk out of the bathroom quietly and looked around for the guy and didn't see him and left the bathroom and shut the door. I quietly walked to the bedroom and looked for my gun. I found it and quickly grabbed it and walked out looking for that fucking asshole. I walked around quietly until I heard something behind me and turned around and he was there. He grabbed me by the neck and raised me up I gasped out and dropped the gun as I tried to pull his hand away from mu throat. I cough and gag as his grip tightened.

(Strebers pov)
I stood there panicking as kevin left and I stood there worried as I thought about leaving to help or not. I then heard something I didn't know what it was but I knew I had to go out and help him. I ran out as fast as I could and over to were I heard muffled sounds. He had kevin in a choke hold, I saw the gun on the ground and picked it up and shot that fucking bitch. He dropped kevin to the ground and I heard kevin gasp out the guy walked towards me and I shot again. He continued to walk towards me and I just kept shooting him as I stepped back he wouldn't drop to the ground. He wouldn't fucking die. He knocked the gun out of my hand and picked me up by my neck and grabbed my arm and started choking me and pulled on my arm. I started to cry and gag as his grip got tighter. I saw kevin get up and grab the gun and shoot the guy in the head he dropped me to the ground and I coughed slightly as I hit the ground and caught my breath. The guy stumbled out of the room and outside. It was finally over. Kevin ran over to me and hugged me and I hugged him back. "Are you ok..?!". I just nodded and just quietly cried I hugged him tightly. I take a second before standing up and helping kevin up. I walked him outside and looked around to make sure he wasn't there still. I walked kevin to the car and got him inside and got in then sped off as fast as I could. Kevin was blacking put I kept waking him up, I was full blown panicking. Kevin was unresponsive he wasn't answering me. I rushed to the hospital and ran inside and asked for help they came out and brought him inside. He was life less. They rush him into a room and have me wait outside. I sat there waiting, Hoping he is ok.

(kevins pov)
All I remember is streber getting me outside and into the car before everything went dark, My body feels tingly and weightless I feel like im floating..? Before I could even process this all I saw my own body on a hospital bed or I think? everything is loopy and weird looking. Everything felt weird. My body felt weird then all of a sudden I woke up to soft beeping and quiet sniffling from streber. I weakly bring my hand up to the back of his head and gently pad his head. I see him quickly look up at me and start to cry even more "Thank god your ok! I thought you were gone..!" streber said. I giggle and pat his head "i am fineeeee!! i'm super duper okaaaay!" I said with a hum and streber giggled slightly as he kissed my forehead. Hes funny and cute I love him, I feel funny but that's ok I think I don't know everything is fuzzy. "how are you feeling?! are you in any pain?!" he asked me in a worried tone I just giggled "Im okaayyyy!!! why is there a wiggly guy behind you?" I said as everything felt funny. Streber looked behind himself and just started laughing "Oh god I love you kevin.." He said smiling at me.

(skipping a bit ik sorry if this isn't good im not doin great)

(Strebers pov)
After a couple of days he started to feel better and I stayed by his side the whole time and I helped kevin through everything. He was still a bit weak but he was alright, I'm still afraid that guy is still out there I'm SCARED that he is I'm worried for kevin. I'm scared that he wont leave us alone, I know that the cops said he was gone that they couldn't find him but still. He could be out there somewhere waiting for us or even someone else. I wont ever get over this fear. I'm still fucked up from the first time he showed up. I'm worried for those kids. But I need to calm down and keep myself together for kevin. Today is the day kevin can leave the hospital, I help him out of the hospital room and out and into the car. I get in as well and start to drive, Kevin put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me "Thank you streber, I can't even think of the words to say how much I appreciate you. You have stuck by even after this I thank you so much. I love you streber." He said to me with the smile on his face still, I feel tears roll down my face as I was just happy he was ok. "Of course, I stayed why would I leave you there?! you propose to me! Your my fiancé for fuck sakes" I said to him giggling softly as a few tears filling my eyes I was just happy that it was over, Thank God it was.

(I might make a part 4 or you guys can make request! But if I don't answer I took a break)
(words 1344)

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