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i love ritsu.. he's grown on me so much
Your eyes began adjusting to the light of the room that was being lit by the sun, even if it was too bright for your poor eyes, it was nice to feel warm. You looked at the ceiling until you felt the smaller body next to you squeeze you gently.

Ritsu let out a small yawn and opened one of his eyes.

"morning sleepyhead"

you mumbled, your hand going on top of his head to run your fingers through the strands of messy hair.

"morning.. it's too early for this"

he grumbled and nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.  Your eyes moved towards the clock on your bedside table which read 7:42am, school started at half 8 so a few extra minutes in bed wouldn't hurt right?

Ritsu began to snore quietly which made your heart swell in your chest, you gently kiss his cheek before closing your eyes and trying not to fall back asleep. A couple minutes pass and you find yourself staring at Ritsu. He was beautiful, his warm and genuine smile that he showed to you and only you could make anybodies heart melt, the way his hands feel so smooth and soft when he grabs your hands and interlaces your fingers together. He was beautiful in every way.

Looking back at the clock you realise you may have let him sleep for too long, you gently call for his name but to nobodies surprise he doesn't wake up. You begin to gently shake him, ignoring the groans of getting waking up while he was having a good dream. Ritsu looked at you and turned over, his back facing you and his legs away from you. You pulled him ono his back and looked down at him.

"Ritsu no we have school and you have rehearsal today. You can sleep when you're done with rehearsal but we have to get ready."

He let out a groan of annoyance, even if he wanted to lay in your arms for longer, you were out of bed and started picking out your uniform. Ritsu just looked at you, a loud yawn escaped his lips, you look over at him and walk up to him.

"Ritsu come on... How on earth does Mao do this.." you mumbled the last part under your breath and grabbed his arm to pull him up.
Ritsu started to laugh at your attempt to get him on his feet until he decided to get up and lean against you. 

"Give me another five minutes and i'll be bursting with energy" he says sarcastically with his eyes shut. His chin was on your shoulder and he wore a playful smirk.
You step to the side before pushing him onto the bed while giggling. he glares at you and sighs in defeat.

"Okay fine fine I'm awake now" he grumbled with sleep in his eye.
You kissed his cheek before leaving the bedroom.
"You've got ten minutes Ritsu"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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