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The Bully's Brother

Adrian’s POV

High school fucking sucks.

I know it, you know it. Your mom knows it. Your grandparents know it. Especially if you’re the subject to one’s personal amusement via harassment and borderline torture everyday.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Not really actually. There’s not much in my life either than what’s in here.

I guess I can start to when it all happened. It was your average Tuesday morning. I woke up from another strange dream and showered and put on my clothes. I don’t have much of a fashion sense so my basic outfit is pants and a hoodie. Can’t go wrong with a basic sweater.

I begged my mom not to let me go to school today and added my idea of homeschooling. However, she always says that I need to have a high school experience because it’ll be the best time of my life. Easy for her to say, she was the all-American girl everyone loved.

The dim gray walls of the school were littered with inspirational posters bought by ASB from Staples and poorly made banners advertising their poorly made dances. Seriously, I’m not paying $20 just to stand and drink spiked punch.

First period was normal. Just being assigned to do a group project. Luckily, this teacher also said we can do it alone if we want to. Perfect! Second period is where it all goes to shit. I was having such a great day until he walked in.

“How was your morning, bitch!” Ryan Anderson said. God this fucking guy gets on my fucking nerves. It’s like God got every horrible trait imaginable and put it all together in this guy. 

“Fuck off.” I softly said to him. He stopped walking and turned back to me. 

“Watch it, pipsqueak!” He seethed out. He couldn’t do anything to me here because he’s on the verge of being expelled.

Despite him being on the football and basketball team, he’s not that useful. He’s disposable and could be replaced with anyone else. But a lot of people still fall on their knees for him because he’s an Anderson. But he’ll never match up to…

Felix Anderson.

He’s the exact opposite of Ryan. Instead, God got every good thing about a person and mixed in sexiness to create him. He’s a senior, while I’m a junior. 

Little more on Felix. He once started a protest for our school because the administration banned a girl from wearing a skirt. He came to school for a week wearing a skirt and got a bunch of other people to do it too. He also beat the history teacher in a bench press competition and their entire class was excused from the history final. And a Vogue editor came up to him and asked if he wanted to be in their next magazine. 

That last one is fake. But it just explains how legendary Felix is.

The next few periods was me spending time thinking of Felix. In case you couldn’t tell, I had a major crush on him. But so did everyone else. I’m not special.

“Hey, Thumbelina!” Ryan said to me in the locker room. He’s 6’0 while I’m 5’7. 

“What, Jolly Green Giant?” I smirked back. Rather than take my insult with a grain of salt, all I got was a punch in the stomach.

“Wanna say that again?” He sneered at me.

“Yeah, BFG.” Another punch caused me to fall on the floor and clutch my stomach. 

“Serves you right.” He walked away. He was only wearing a towel and I so badly wanted to pull it down but if I were I think my ribs would snap. 

Ryan is clever enough to never hurt me in the face. Otherwise, my parents would see and I would be questioned. It’s always my chest or thighs. 

I began to stand up after squirming on the floor. I coughed a bit. Checking the clock, I’ve decided not to change for PE today. I’ll just stand under the bleachers to watch the seniors stretch. 

As I stood up, I caught a quick glimpse of him. Felix. His tall figure was easily spotted from the top of the lockers.

‘The fuck?’ I said to myself. Why was Felix watching me? Was he there the whole time, watching me struggle to breathe. 

If I can say one thing to Felix, it would be “Put your fucking brother on a leash, dammit!”

I need to get out of this musty locker room cause the smell is hurting my nose. I still don’t know why Felix was watching me. I can still feel his bright blue eyes watching and his black hair drifting in the wind. 

Get it together, Adrian!


new story!!!!


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