Bonus 03

833 31 2

Adrian's POV

On a cold winter day, Felix and I were huddled in front of his fireplace with the fire going and a thick blanket over us. I sat between his legs while he hugged my chest back. We had no school, meaning we could spend as much time together as possible.

I could feel Felix's chest rising and falling as he took in deep breaths. His heartbeat was slow, but rose slowly whenever I moved around.

"Adrian," He whispered in my ear. "Did I tell you that I love you?"

"Yes, you did. Five times in the last hour, actually." I reminded him. In reality, he must've said it 20 times, but I didn't want him to feel bad for being overbearing with his words.

"How are you doing in your classes? I'm going to need you to get good grades."

"What are you? My counselor?" I chuckled lightly.

"I'm serious, Adrian. I want us to be able to go to the same college. And if not the same college, then at least in the same city." He told me. I sat up, away from his arms, and turned to look at him.

His face was serious. I thought for a moment he was joking. But he was sure of this proposition. I haven't thought about our future. Felix is a year older than me. Which means that he'll be going to college first and I'll be alone.

"Isn't it too early to think about that?" I asked nervously, sitting a bit farther from him.

"My love, I graduate in 6 months. Then, I have about 2 months of summer. Then I'm gone wherever I decide to go. It's never too early to plan for our future." He told me.

I looked at the fire and could feel the heat landing on my face. He was right. In a few months, Felix will be gone and I'll be alone. Well, not alone exactly. Sure, I've made a few friends since being introduced to Felix's group. But he is the one I'm close to.

"Say that we were both to go to school in the same city, how would our relationship continue? Will we be able to continue to make way for each other, or will we be swamped with work?" I asked him.

Felix just smiled, putting his hand on my face and rubbing my cheek. "I'll always make time for you. No matter if I have a final that very next day or just simply doing nothing, I'll call or visit you."

"How would your dad react if he found out we were going to the same school?" I asked.

"My dad is still... struggling to come to terms with me. He chooses to just ignore it all together when he's here. But who cares what my dad thinks. It's you that I care about." He told me.

I leaned back on his chest and let his arms wander on my bare stomach. His hands were warm and glided over my stomach slowly.

"We'll create a plan when you decide on what college to go to. From there, I'll research nearby schools and find which one I like and how close it is." I said.

"Or, we could always do long distance," Felix said.

"Nothing against long distance relationships, but there's just something about being able to easily hold your hand with only a short car ride brings me a sense of relief. I want us to grow together, together." I told him.

I could feel Felix place his chin on top of my head.

"Then that's what we'll do."

My hands landed on top of his on my chest. My fingers rubbed over his hands. His chest was warming up my back.

"Am I that important to you that our future depends on it?" I asked him.

"Yes, you are. I feel like I can be myself around you without having to put up some facade."

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