Bonus 01

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hi, y'all

i'm back! thank you for the support on this story. it really means a lot.

as part of the transition between phase 2 to phase 3 on my account, i am releasing bonus chapters for various stories. 'The Bully's Brother' will be getting 3.



Felix’s POV

I stood in front of the Jenkins residency with a bouquet of flowers in my hand and a bottle of wine in the other. The flowers are peonies, Adrian’s mother’s favorite flowers. After knocking on the door, it opened only a few seconds later.

“Felix!” Adrian eagerly said as he hugged me. “You actually came.” 

“I’m not gonna miss the opportunity to meet my boyfriend’s parents.” I told him. He slapped my chest and brought me inside. 

Standing in the middle of the living were both of his parents. His mom looked like an exact copy of Adrian. If she was single and younger, and I was straight, I probably would’ve gone for her. His dad was more serious, but I could see where Adrian got his brown eyes from. 

“Say something,” Adrian whispered to me. He nudged my back and pushed me forward.

“Uh,” I stuttered out. “Good afternoon. I brought these for you.” I said, holding out the flowers for Mrs. Jenkins. “And this for you.” I held the wine bottle for Mr. Jenkins. 

They took their gifts. Mrs. Jenkins had a smile on her face and was quick to hug me. “Don’t be so nervous, Felix.” She said. 

She let go of me. Mr. Jenkins put the wine bottle down and held out his hand. I shook it, mainly because I was worried about what would happen if I didn’t shake it. Adrian told me his dad was a jokester and light hearted.

This man is smaller than me, and still terrifies me. 

“Felix,” Mr. Jenkins said. “I’m entrusting you with my only son. Are you sure you can take care of him?” He asked me. 

His face was stern. But I didn’t let him frighten me too much. “I will look after him.” I said. Mr. Jenkins then broke into a smile and brought me in for a hug.

“Ah, I’m only joking,” He said, then pulled away. “But seriously, Adrian is quite fragile. So look after him.” Mr. Jenkins then let go of my hand. 

“Come! Dinner is almost ready!” Mrs. Jenkins said. 

“I’m– I’m not fragile!” Adrian said as he stood next to me. 

“Didn’t you cry while watching A Dog’s Purpose?” I asked. 

“And La La Land?” Mr. Jenkins added. 

Adrian’s face became red. “You were supposed to be on my side!” Adrian told me. I patted his hair and laughed.

“Looks like the baby is fussy. Let’s get you fed.” I told him. 

The table was neatly set. In the middle was the bouquet of flowers I got for Adrian in a vase. Both Adrian and I sat next to one another while his parents sat across from us. Once the food was served, I thanked his mom for the meal and began to eat. 

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