Part 2

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 Then you walk upstairs and get changed into some shorts and a tank top. You grab a small blanket, your phone charger, some drawing things, and ofc your phone. You start to walk to his room and put your stuff down on a beanbag he had next to his setup. Punz saw what you were wearing and blushed while looking away to hope you didn't see. Punz said, "hey is that gonna be your new spot now?" As he laughed you said "I guess so" and you laughed too and sat down punz then said "food should be here around 10 minutes" you said "okay chat will see me if you start streaming and I'm okay with that" punz said "are you sure your okay with that? I don't have to start until you get back." You said "Nah it's good, start and say hi to everyone they are gonna know sooner or later" punz nodded and starts to set up punz then said, "you know you can call me by my name and not punz right?" You say "and that is???" Punz says "you don't know my name but you've watched me for years!?!?!" You say "sorry punz" as you laugh. Punz said "my name is Luke," you say "oh hi Luke" as you giggle a little. Luke says "Hi y/n" he giggles then says "hey pizza is here, and I'm gonna start" you nod and start to walk downstairs and hear a knock. You run to the door and open it to see a girl holding a pizza. She says "hi pizza for punz?" You say "yes that's me thank you". She gives you a quick smile and hands you the pizza. You smile and close the door and jog back upstairs. As you get up the steps, you hear punz saying hello to everyone and you quietly walk into the room and scare him. You say "BOO" he screams, turns around, and says "holy shit y/n trying to give me a heart attack bro" you laugh chat freaks out saying "is that his girlfriend?!?!" "Punz who's that!?!?" "That's the girl that was in chat," Luke says "oh chat haha this is y/n they are gonna be living with me for some time and yes they are from chat" you smile and wave. You sit down and open the pizza box and put it on a paper plate he had upstairs then you hand it to him. He takes it and smiles and says "thank you y/n do you know how to play valorant?" You say "kinda? I'm not very good at it" you giggle, he says "wanna try? I don't have much planned anyways" you smile and say "sure I can't promise I'll be good so chat don't laugh! And where would be another chair to sit on? I can't play from here" you laugh he says "well no shit you can grab a chair from downstairs or sit on my lap" he giggles you blush a little and say "me? Sit on your lap? Are you okay with that-" he says "well no shit dumbass I'm okay with it or I wouldn't have asked now come sit on my lap or go grab a chair" you get up, grab your phone and go sit on his lap. You blush and say hi to chat. Chat then says "PUNZ HAS A GIRLFRIEND" "THEY ARE SO PRETTY" "AHHHHH YESSS PUNZ!!" There then was a donation for $200 saying "I give you this to kiss her!!" And chat agrees. Luke looks at you and blushes and says "guys we aren't dating we are just friends" you look at him and blush and say "I mean yeah we are just friends" as you think to yourself "I wish we weren't and that you would kiss me". He rubs your hand when he sees that you spaced out, to make you come back. You smile and look at him as you come back he smiles and says "well are we ready to play?" You nod and turn around so you face the computer. You start to play and you're trash and Luke says "I didn't think you would be this bad" he giggles, you turn your head and stick your tongue out and says "hey I never said I was good" you laugh. He says "yeah true but still" but after a few hours of playing you start to get tired so you whisper to him "hey I'm getting tired I can sleep on the bean bag or actually go to bed I don't care which one" he smiles and looks down at you as he whispers you can turn around and sleep on me or you can do either I don't mind" you smile and turn around to face him and says "your more comfortable so I'll do this" as you lay your head on his shoulder and start to fall asleep, he looks at you and smiles and thinks your asleep so he whispers "goodnight y/n I... love you" even tho you were still awake and you smiled. chat went wild to it saying"YOOO Y/N LOOKS NICE AND WARM" "I WISH I HAD THIS AS "FRIENDS" and a few other things. punz smiled and said "okay chat I think it was enough for tonight I'm gonna go to bed and put y/n to bed"


HIII part two!!! again it was random soooo oh well lmao but make sure to eat something and drink water!! I hope you enjoyed it! (895 words)

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