Cheap Thrills

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Hi, I think I deleted my other one shots story or smth because i literally cant find it on my account. So I just have to upload this that was the start of the second half of the story. Enjoy ig

"Time and time again you prove yourself to be the eager one" I said with a chuckle

"I mean can you blame me, nigga was about to make my dick go soft and you're too good for that"

"Too good for what?"

He scoffed and groaned

"Come on Wyatt don't make me explain" Tyler groaned grabbing my hair a little tighter

"No, I wanna hear it. I wanna hear what I'm too good for" I started to get up off my knees and and sit on the little bench in the dressing room

Tyler dropped his head and grabbed his dick through his boxers squeezing it a bit

"I mean can you blame me, nigga was about to make my dick go soft, thats fucking embarrassing"

"Embarrassing?? You telling me I wouldn't be able to get it back up in time?"

"Hmm, see that a good fucking question, but I think I need you to give me a little evidence before I give you a solid answer"

"What kind of evidence?" I ask while pulling down his boxers, his dick springing out

"Maybe this?" I ask licking the tip earning a hiss and smile from Tyler

"Idk, I'm not very convinced so far" Tyler said gripping my hair tighter

I licked the slit clean of the bead of precum spilling out of it, continuing to wrap lips around the tip and harshly sucking on it, sticking out my tongue to lick the underneath of his dick.

I start to bop my head, going further and further every time, finally stopping with his dick hitting the back of my throat trying to squeeze it a bit , earning a groan from Tyler

I pull back with a string of spit following, going back to bob my head up and down, sucking it my cheeks and using my head to get whatever my mouth couldn't.

I pulled off completely, causing Tyler to open his eyes and look down at me

"What the fuck?"

"Enough evidence for you?"

Tyler smiled and began to back away and sit down on the bench, with his legs spread open

"Do you mind using no hands? I wanna see how far you're willing to go" He said with a huge smirk

I sat in between his legs,

Tyler and Wyatt one-shots ig 🥱Where stories live. Discover now