You like that? 🤔

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A continuation half of a story I was working on cause I can't find the other ☹️

Omniscient POV
In which Wyatt gets a little too excited over Tyler's harsh words
C/W: degrading, slapping, choking, biting, hair pulling

"Are you really getting hard right now?"

Wyatt couldn't say anything or even move, even through the loud music and chatter of the others at the party, all he could focus on was the guy next to him whispering in his ear everything he wanted to hear

"Don't you think I'm being too mean?"

Tyler said with a questioning tone. He had always spoken like this, with quite foul language. But no one has ever reacted the way Wyatt is right now

Obviously flushed red, even through the dim light of the living room, trying hiding his face behind his hair, biting his lips so hard almost making them bleed, putting his arm over his crotch to hide his obvious boner, shuddering every time Tyler whispered in his ear

He wanted to have fun with him

"Or is that what you like? Hm? I've seen the way you look at me when you're with Jasper. Always hiding behind that camera"

Tyler got a little closer

"Tell me, what do you like to be called?"

Wyatt could feel the raspiness of his voice on his neck, sending chills straight down his spine. His face getting hotter and hotter. He wanted Tyler all over him. His scent, kisses, bites, even spit. Especially his spit

He was enjoying this wayyy to much, wishing he could use the excuse of being drunk. But he hasn't had a drop all night

"How about whore? Or slut? My slut?"

His head still down he got harder at the names, if that was possible

"You wanna be choked? Hair pulled? Maybe even shed a tear?"

After not responding Wyatt felt a hand run though his hair and than a quick shard pain, but he couldn't help but whimper

Tyler had pulled his hair making him look him directly in the eye

"You wanna start using your words now?"

Wyatt gathered himself for a moment before speaking

"I don't really know what to say"

He paused for a second looking around searching for the words

"I-I mean, y-you can see what you're doing to me right now"

Tyler let go of his hair

"So you do like it?"

Wyatt nodded slowly still trying to keep his head down. Rubbing his legs together unnoticeably to create some type of friction down there. He was getting so hot it was getting hard to breathe, and it wasn't just the thick smoke in the air from all the weed


Tyler roughly grabbed his face, making them face each other again, Wyatt finally spoke with a shaky tone

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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