Dinner 🤭

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Another story from the deleted book I was able to find in one of my Google docs, enjoy

I suddenly felt a hand on my thigh that slowly started to rise up to my crotch. I looked over at Tyler who was still talking to my parents like nothing was happening.

He rested his hand there for a while and the warmth was kind of nice, but then he suddenly started to rub back and forth causing friction between my crotch and my pants. I winced at the feeling twice and my mom asked.

"You alright honey? You seem kind of fidgety."
"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit full." I said making T chuckle a bit

"T stop" I begged as Tyler continuously rubbed that one spot on my pants causing friction as my pants gradually got tighter. He giggled and continued to rub.

"My parents are right here and I'm starting to get hard" I worried as my parents looked over

"Mmm, you know I love it when you beg" Tyler said with a smirk

T continued to rub when I whispered in his ear

"Wanna take this to the bathroom?"

T looked back at me with a raised eyebrow and nodded. I told my parents that Tyler wasn't feeling well and that we were going to the bathroom real quick.

My mom told me to text her if we had to leave. We nodded and rushed to the bathroom of the restaurant, even though it was hard enough for me to walk because of my boner. We quickly got into the biggest stall and immediately started kissing each other. Tyler grabbed my ass as I started to unbuckle his pants. I chuckled at how hard he was as he grabbed my curls to guide me onto my knees. I pulled down his green boxers and I started to sucked him painfully slowly knowing that he would hate it. I did this for a few minutes until I looked up at T with big eyes and asked him

"Wanna fuck me?"

He nodded frantically and pulled me up to unbuckled my pants while kissing me. He then took out my boner and jacked me off before turning me around to insert himself. I winced at the pain at first as he slowly soothed my back. He started going slow until I gave him the cue to go faster. I held on to one of the railings as our skin quietly started slapping together as he picked up the pace. My eyes were rolling to the back of my head and my mouth was hanging open with pleasure because he was hitting that perfect spot when suddenly he grabbed my curls and pulled me back towards him as I could feel his breath on my neck. He then whispered in my ear

"Turn around, I wanna see your pretty face while I fuck you."

I turned around as he lifted my legs and inserted himself again, my legs were now on his shoulders and his dick was hitting my spot even though he wasn't moving.

"T please move, you're right on my spot and it's driving me crazy"
"Am I now?" He said with a deep raspy voice
"How bad do you want me to move?"
"Really bad T"
"God I want you to fuck my brains out so bad T"
"Your wish is my command"
He then leaned in to kiss me and started to move his hips again causing me to moan into the kiss
"Like that baby?" Tyler asked in between the kiss
He went faster and harder causing my curls to bounce, I was so close to cumming
He began suck a deep hickey on my neck, then pulled away to see his work
"God you look so beautiful right now baby" he said looking dead in my eyes as he vigorously fucked me
"Cum inside me baby, I wanna feel you"
He took my dick and started to jack me off at impossible speeds
That's when I felt that familiar tightening in my stomach
"T im gonna cum"
T came inside of me while I came all over his hand
I took his hand to lick up my cum all while keeping eye contact, then kissing him
"Good boy" T complimented me

We fixed ourselves up and slowly went out the stall to look at ourselves in the mirror.

I was making sure I didn't have any of T's cum on my pants cause that was the only thing I was worried about.

"Think my parents will notice? We've been gone for like 25 minutes." I asked with some worry in my voice
"Not unless you have trouble sitting down" T said with a smile
"Shut up Tyler" I said as I rolled my eyes and leaned in for a kiss just as someone was walking into the bathroom, and that was our que to leave

We got back to the table and my mom asked me if everything was okay and we explained that Tyler just needed to fix himself up a bit. We had dinner for about another 35 minutes.

My dad had to go to work after dinner and my mom dropped Tyler off at his house so it was just me and her all the rest of the way home.

"Did you enjoy dinner honey?"
"Yeah ma, it was ok"
"Look honey, you know if you and Tyler are having sex you can come to me right?"

My heart dropped

"O - of course ma, I know that" I stuttered not knowing what to think

It was silent for a good 3 minutes until she said the thing words that made me red as a tomato

"Oh and honey, if you're gonna do it at a restaurant with Tyler again, please tell him to hide his hickeys a bit better next time. Looks like a map of Canada on your neck for crying out loud."

Fuck fuck fuck shit shit shit

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