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Hello dearies, author here. I have a few important updates to get to so I hope you're strapped in

First of all, I want to apologize, I've been heavily busy, and caught up in life to where I completely forgot about this. So I'll give you an update and official note.

I'm sorry to say but I'll be discontinuing this book, I wrote ot- I don't know how long ago, and a boat find interest in updating anymore, I apologize for not saying this sooner, again, because I had been caught up in other things. I may wrote a different book on this, but I doubt it. I loved the support and encouragement I got from this, but I don't believe I'll be staying. It feels like everything has gone by so fast, and a feel bad for not giving you an update.

I'll be writing other stories, but not on this one. I loved it so much, but I can't continue, so to all those who stayed, thank you for reading this story about these little rascal children and Y/N I'll be sticking around so if you like any other fandoms aside from this, maybe I'll end up writing a story on them, I don't know.

If you have questions, I'll answer, but for now..
Thank you all, for the support and attention, -Author

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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