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. . . .
"Displeasing to meet you Mr. Afton."

"The displeasure is all mine, Mr. Rose."
The blonde walked into the establishment, the place still smelling of plastic mozzarella cheese from the day before. Gabriel was told to walk down the hallway to William's office, right across from Henry's, to get his uniform.

William heard the knock and looked up from the paperwork on his desk as he hummed as a signal to come in, which Gabriel did.

"Ah. Morning slag."

"Morning fucker."

"You're here for your uniform, correct?"

"Yes. I am."

William sighs as he stands up and motions for Gabriel to follow him out of his office. They walk farther down the hall before William stops in front of a closet and unlocks the door, revealing a bunch of shirts and pants.

"What's your size?"

"Extra small."

"In what? Women's clothing?"

"Men's and women's clothing, bitch."

"Fine. Whatever."

William looked in the closet for a while before Gabriel hummed slightly.

"Do you have any clothing in extra small?"

"..Yes, of course we do.."

Gabriel hummed and examined William's expression. "Liar. Just give me a small."

"How did you.. Oh, whatever." William handed Gabriel the uniform in his size and closed the closet. "Go put it on in the staff bathroom."

Gabriel nodded as William walked away and back into his office. Closing the door behind him.


Gabriel had been shoved in the kitchen, the overwhelming smell of plastic ahh cheese filling his nose as he slightly gagged. "How do people eat this shit..?"

A male chuckled as Gabriel slightly jumped and looked over to the source of the sound. "Yeah, I know. It's gross, and kinda expensive if you ask me."

"Yeah.. And who are you?"

"Head cook. Antonio. And who might you be?"

"Gabriel. I'm new here, and I already want to go home."

"Yeah. Understandable."

Antonio starts to show Gabriel how to make the pizzas as Gabriel mostly just sits on the counter next to where Antonio is making the pizza's, causing flour to get on the black uniform pants.

"You know flour is gonna get all over your ass, right?"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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