Call Me Yuka

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Lunch was very awkward. Well, it was very awkward for Yuka and Kuon. The pair sat quietly as they ate their food while the Honjo siblings and Mayuko were talking amongst themselves. Yuka could have sworn that Kuon looked at him a couple of times, and when he would turn his head to look back at her, she was quick to look away. There were times where he would catch himself looking at her, but the girl next to him wouldn't dare look back. Yuka had to admit that it stung a little to see Kuon acting that way, but, of course, he didn't let it get to him.

"So, what have you been up to, Kuon?"

Kuon snapped out of her trance as the sound of Yuri's voice broke through the uncomfortable silence at her side of the table. The young woman looked up to find that said girl, Mayuko, and Rika were looking at her expectantly. She was relieved that Yuri said anything at all. Ever since she arrived and saw him, Kuon couldn't help but be trapped in her own thoughts.

"Well," she started off slowly. "I just got into business school, and I'm working part-time at my father's business. After I graduate, I'm going to inherit everything and run the company."

Yuka's eyebrows lifted as he was impressed by Kuon's ambition and plans for the future. The old Kuon he once knew had grown up and outgrew her hesitation.

"That's exciting!" Yuri exclaimed as she clapped her hands together. "It seems like you have everything figured out."

"What about you guys?" Kuon decided to ask. She didn't want the conversation to end there.

The cheerful girl talked about how she was currently taking courses at the junior college. She had yet to figure out what she wanted to do, but as far as she was concerned, Yuri was considering law school. Her inspiration? They didn't have to ask. Rika was also taking classes at the junior college. Unlike his sister, the older sibling knew what he wanted to do. As for Mayuko, the quiet girl decided to follow Yuri.

"I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing well," Kuon smiled happily.

The group finished their meals and continued to talk for the next hour. Well, everyone except for Yuka and Kuon.


"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home, Kuon?" Yuri asked her friend as she clasped the girl's hands into her own.

 The offer to go with Yuri sounded tempting, but something was telling her not to, that leaving would be wrong. When she would steal a quick glance at Yuka, feelings of guilt were quick to consume her. And besides, someone was already on their way to come get her.

"I'll be fine, Miss Yuri," the green-haired girl said with a sweet smile. "I'm having someone pick me up anyway."

Reluctantly, Yuri let go of Kuon's hands. She then looked over at Yuka, who was off to the side smoking, and called out to him.

"Make sure you wait with her until her ride comes."

Yuka rolled his eyes as he blew out some smoke.

"Who do you take me for, Honjo? Just go home."

Yuri puffed out her cheeks, but a small smile crept onto her face soon after.

"I'm glad to see that things haven't changed! I'll see you both hopefully soon."

A half hour past and Kuon was still waiting for her ride. She was starting to get fidgety and nervous, especially when Yuka decided to meet at her side a couple of cigarettes later. He didn't say anything while he stood by her, but Kuon thought it was for the best anyway. Seeing Yuka for the first time in two years was already nerve-wracking enough, and the last thing she wanted was to worsen the situation.

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