I've Always Loved You

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A/N: For great (and dramatic) effect, play song when you see " 🌸 ".

Also... I want to thank you all who voted and/or commented on the last chapter. <3 You don't know how much that means to me. Because it's a Sniper x Kuon fanfic, I didn't think this story would receive the attention it's been getting. I appreciate every single one of you who clicked on this story and gave it a chance. Enjoy Chapter 3!


A few months have passed since their sweet reunion. Shortly after he saw Kuon again, Yuka's nightmares have become less frequent until they fizzled out altogether. His sleep improved, his mood improved, and everything in his life got better all because of...

"Man, I sound sappy. So uncool."

Yuka would throw his head back and lean against his chair. He looked over at the small clock hanging on the cubical wall on his right. Yuka was two hours into his workday, and he was ready to go home. Luckily for him, the ex-sniper's boss decided that the office was taking a half-day.

"Three more hours," he whispered as he stretched his arms out above his head.

Before getting back to work, Yuka quickly looked over the text Kuon had sent him late last night. She asked if he could come over after work. According to her, Kuon had something to ask of him. Of course, Yuka attempted to pry the question out of her, but she insisted on meeting and asking him in person. Same old Kuon. She was always so formal.

Subconsciously, Yuka would click out of his message inbox and into his photo gallery to browse through some of the pictures he had taken. There wasn't much to look at considering Yuka barely snapped any pictures. His photo gallery mainly consisted of beautiful landscapes he took throughout Tokyo with an occasional photo of him and Kuon. He didn't have a lot of pictures of Kuon or of him and Kuon, but a few pictures were all he needed. He had to admit that he had a favorite. Yuka found himself longingly staring at a picture of Kuon he took when they went to a festival a couple of months ago. His gaze would break when he received a notification. It was a message from Kuon.

To: Yuka Makoto

From: Kuon Shinzaki

Subject: For When You Come By!

Message: Good morning, Yuka! I know it has been a few months, but writing your name still feels foreign to me. I just wanted to let you know that I will be attending a few meetings today. By the time you get here, I should be done. The door will be open for you, so just go ahead and let yourself in. Hibiki will be there in my absence to keep you company. I will see you soon! Have a great day at work!

Ah, Hibiki.

Hibiki was Kuon's personal assistant her father had appointed for her. He was a handsome young man who was about Kuon's age, maybe a year or two older than her. Despite him being young, Hibiki was really competent at his job. He went far and beyond to help Kuon with what she needed, and he did his best to ease Kuon into her future position as CEO. When Yuka first met Hibiki, he had to admit that he wasn't fond of the young man. The uncool thing about it was that he had no idea why he detested Kuon's assistant to begin with. Bystanders would have suspected that the taller man was jealous. However, once the ex-sniper got to know the young man, any ill-feelings he had toward him, overt or covert, eventually dissipated.

Yuka quickly gave Kuon his reply before pocketing his phone, immediately getting back to work.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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