Chapter 1

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"Run. Run as fast as you can and don't look back." My eyes move to the person dripping in blood behind Julie creeping up on her. Thankfully she listens to me and starts running. She tears through the woods her breathing labored and hair whipping behind her. Just as she starts to pull ahead, she makes the fatal mistake of looking back. Of course, she crashes to the ground banging her knee on a log on they way down. This gives the murderer a chance to catch up to her. He lifts his knife above his head with two bloody hands and plunges it into her back. Her scream vibrates throughout the forest.

"I told you Julie to not look back. Did you listen? Of course not. They never listen. It's your own fault you know." As I'm rambling away, the couch dips down and the channel switches to some sport game.

"Hey I was watching that!" I cross my arms and glared at Cody. He glanced at me with his crystal blue eyes before turning his attention to the tv again.

"No you weren't. You were just waiting for her to die before switching the channel again." This time it was my turn to glance at him before lunging for the remote. Before I could grab it out of his hand, he leaps off the couch causing me to fall face first where he was previously sitting. Before I can push myself off to lunge at him again, he sits his fat butt on my back.

"Get off of me you fat pig!" I try to reach my arm around to smack him but he quickly grabs my wrist.

"That's not very nice" he pouts. I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah? Well, sitting on top of me isn't very nice either you chunky cow."

"Apologize." I narrow my eyes at him.

"No." He sighs dramatically.

"Okay, I didn't want to do this, but you left me with no choice." With that he starts to bounce slightly on top of me squishing me further into the couch, but not hurting me.

"Okay, okay. I'll apologize, just stop before you make me puke on you." He quickly stops and stares at me.

"I'm sorry you're an ass." I deadpan.

"Oh you're asking for it now!" He grabs my foot and starts tickling it while I try to wiggle out of his hold.

"S-s-stop! I'm sorry!" As soon as the word leave my mouth, he stops.

"For what" he asks innocently. I glare at him again and he grabs my foot again. My eyes widen.

"For trying to take the remote from you." He looks at me expectantly.

"And?" His fingers getting closer to my foot.

"And for calling you an ass" I mumble.

"And what else?" HIs fingers are barely touching the center of my foot.

"And for calling you a chinky cow." I sigh.

He sits there and thinks about it for a little bit.

"Apology accepted." He gets off of me and reclaims the remote that somehow ended up on the floor.

"Don't you have alpha duties to do?" I ask. It was the middle of the day on a saturday. He had to have something more important to do than torture me.


"How is that possible? It's a saturday there has to be something you need to do."

"Easy, I'm not Alpha." Smart ass.

"Okay not technically, but in another year or so you will be." Cody is the eldest son of our Alpha with a younger sister and brother. When Cody turns 21, he will take over the pack. Currently he is 19 and still has to wait, but is in training to take over the role.

"Actually, I do have something I need to do. It's more of a mission though."

"Okay. Go do that and leave me to watch tv in peace."

"It has to do with you." My eyes finally move to look at him in confusion.

"Me? What do you need me for? Is it mission impossible? Can we get glow sticks and make matching t-shirts?" Screw watching tv, I want to do mission impossible.

"No it's not mission impossible. That would be more possible than what I have to do because this mission is impossible."

"Maybe you should get Kim Possible instead of me then because there is nothing she can't do and it doesn't matter where or when or day or night just call or beep her and she'll be there." I look him in the eye dead serious. Yeah that right I still watch Kim Possible.

He looks at me like I grew two extra heads. "You're a strange one, you know? But I don't need your help. It's more of a let's say kind request."

"I think you're the strange one but what's the request?" I clasp my hand together in my lap waiting for what he has to say.

He takes a big breath and slowly lets it out. Shit. There's only one thing that can mean. and I in no way want to be a part of it. I jump off the couch and turn to face him.

"No. I know what you want and I refuse to do it." I point my finger at him like he's a dog in trouble. Well he kinda is, a dog at least and I'm not happy with him.

He slowly stands up and approaches me like he's approaching a dangerous animal.

"You don't really have a choice this year. You had a free pass the past few years and have no excuses this year. It's required that you be there and the Alpha wants you there." He slowly puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye.

"What if, let's say my leg somehow breaks and I have to be on crutches." It would be painful but I would do anything to not have to go.

"You had a broken leg the first year. But you will still attend. Even if you are on your death bed, they will roll your bed to the room." I search his face, looking for something to tell me he's not serious. I find nothing, not a muscle twitching.

"Please, please, please don't make me go!" I drop to my knees and clasp my hands together, begging him. "You're my best friend. Please help me, you know how I feel about this." Yes that's right, I pulled out the best friend card.

"Even if I wanted to let you stay home, I can't. Alpha's orders." Damn it. He gives me a sympathetic look. "Besides I don't think it will be that bad. I mean, it's a party. There will be free food there." He knows how much I love food. Especially free food.

"Yeah? Well there will also be frilly dresses, heels as tall as the Empire State Building, lots hairspray and makeup that will make me look like a hooker. Not to mention being stuffed in a room with horny teenagers. Plus I might find him." I shudder at the thought.

"It won't be as bad as you think. Besides you might not find him." Cody tries to reassure me and starts rubbing his hands up and down my arm to try and calm me down.

"I'd still rather not take the chance." I cross my arms and look at the floor. The hardwood looks really shiny, someone must have recently cleaned it.

"Well, you're going to because you're going." With that he walks off leaving me by myself with the tv still going.

Thank you for reading this story!

I'm open to questions, constructive criticism, and any thought you may have. Let my know your thoughts!

Au revoir

LadyPeaches01 🍑

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