Chapter 2

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"No I don't want to." I pout with my arms crossed. It's been four days since Cody told me last Saturday I have to attend the Summer Solstice Ball. I have been whining and pouting every chance I get to try and make them change their minds. Basically I pretend I'm a two year old. It hasn't worked. Alphas and their stubbornness. I can be stubborn too if I want.

"You have to unless you want to go stark naked." Cody stood before me with his bulky arms crossed and eyebrow raised. He wouldn't let me.

Cody is my best friend, but he is also the older brother I never had. With that, and him having alpha blood, it makes him twice as protective. He won't even let me wear a shirt with the back cut out. I've almost given up on wearing a swimsuit around him because he makes me wear a baggy t-shirt. He's worse than my dad. I feel bad for his mate. She won't be able to do anything, poor soul.

"I'll wear my pajamas instead. You know, the purple ones with the sheep on them." He rolled his eyes at me and let out an exasperated sigh. "What are they going to do? Force me to leave because I'm not dressed properly?" This might actually be a good idea.

"No you'll stay there, but you'll just stick out even more and make it easier for your mate to find you. She'll be the crazy rabid one in the purple sheep pajamas." I smacked his arm.

"I am not crazy or rabid!" I pointed my finger at his nose. "I am not foaming at the mouth or having muscles spasms. Nor am I having problems speaking, confusion, or weakness of the body." I ticked each one off of my fingers.

"For someone who doesn't have rabies, you sure know a lot about them." He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"I get bored very easily and I was curious. Haven't you seen Over the Hedge?"

"Uh huh. I'm sure that's the reason." He leaned up against the wall behind him crossing his arms in disbelief.

"It is! If you ever get rabies I need to know the signs so I don't accidentally kill you."

"Anyways stop trying to change the subject. You're going and that's final."

"But," I started before he interrupted me.

"You're going." His alpha tone starts to leak into his voice. Since he isn't alpha yet he can't give a full command. It's more of a strong persuasion that makes you feel guilty until you do it. It's just better to do it the first time or the guilt eats you alive until the "request" is done.

"Fine! I'll go but I won't be happy about it." I frowned and slouched further down the couch pouting yet again.

"Good. You have an appointment in twenty minutes." With that he walked off into the kitchen. I sighed and drop my hands to my sides. I figure I might as well go because the sooner I arrive, the sooner I can leave.

I leave the pack house and decide to walk the few miles to the dress shop. It's warm and sunny outside anyways. It'll give me time to clear my head so I don't bite off some poor lady's head. It also gives me time to think things through.

The Summer Solstice is a very traditional ball. Each year a different pack host the ball so one pack doesn't have the burden of putting it on every year. This year it's the Blackwood pack's turn to host. It's mainly a big party for all the unmated wolves so that they have a chance to find their mate. Hence the reason I don't want to go.

I don't really know much about it except it's formal enough that the girls have to wear classy dresses and heels. I overheard someone saying once that they usually get an orchestra to play.

You have to be seventeen to go because that's when you are first able to find your mate. Older mated wolves can go, but most don't because they already found their mates and have better thing to do than hang around hormonal wolves. The Alpha's and Luna's are required to attend to help watch over their pack members. It helps thing run smoothly. Hopefully there are a lot of people attending this year so I can blend in and mix my scent with theirs.

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