Chapter 10

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"Are we there yet?" I whined. Jaxon woke me up at the crack of dawn, okay eight thirty, to go to his pack house.

"No, and will you stop asking that?" He didn't even take his eyes off the road. We've only been on the road for about a half hour, but it's felt like forever.

"No I will not. I'm tired and hungry." I cross my arms and glare out the window.

"Fine. We'll stop to get something to eat." Yeah we better. I didn't even get a chance to grab anything before he dragged me out the door.

We drove around a little bit arguing on where to stop for breakfast before settling on McDonald's. We walked inside and it was like the nursing home had a field trip. We were probably the only customers under sixty.

We ordered our food and I went to find a place to sit while Jaxon waited for our food. I rested my head on the table, still tired from being woken up too early.

"Here you go sleeping beauty." I look up and grab my coffee from Jaxon, anxious for some caffeine.

He sat down and we ate in silence, both of us filling our bellies with food. As we ate, I could feel the old ladies at the next table staring at us from time to time. It was unnerving.

I look up as I grab my last hashbrown so see Jaxon staring hungrily at it. I split it in half and give him the other half.

"You're so lucky I'm full otherwise you wouldn't be getting this." I state waving his half in front of his face.

"This is why you're the best!" He greedily grabs it from my hand before shoving it in his face like a wild animal. Well, he is sort of one anyways.

"Damn straight I'm the best, and don't you forget it."

"Let me just say you two are just too cute! You really make a beautiful couple." One of the old ladies that was staring at us says as they walk by.

"Thanks!" Jaxons grins at them before I can make a remark. "Come on, let's go." He stands and holds his hand out for me to take. I ignore the hand and grab the trash instead, throwing it out.

"Let's roll." I walk out before he can even think of holding the door for me.

"So tell me about your pack." I pick at my fingernails having nothing better to do.

"Well, I'm part of the Blackwood pack. My father is the current Alpha, but I will be taking over soon. We have about four hundred fifty pack members living on our territory, and have good relationships with most of the other packs in the area. And it's not my pack, soon it'll be our pack." He says glancing at me during the last sentence.

"Don't be so sure. You have two weeks to convince me buddy."

"I think we both know that I will do it." He states smirking at me.

"I don't for the pure fact that I don't really know you." I glance back down at my fingernails.

"Well, we'll just have to change that, now won't we?" I shrug my shoulder, scooching down in my seat getting comfortable.

"Well, My name is Jaxon Blackwood. I'm the oldest son of Daniel and Carmen Blackwood and next in line for the Alpha position. I have one younger sister named Zoey. My favorite color is sapphire blue and I love medium rare steak. What else?" He tapped his stubble covered chin in thought. "My wolf is completely dark brown and I have the most gorgeous mate that has ever existed." He said with a cheeky grin. I slapped his chest with the back of my hand.

"Ow." He deadpanned. "Now you have to kiss it and make it better."

"I'm sure you're fine, and if that really hurt then you aren't a very strong Alpha." He frowned at that.

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