S2E11 (Underdog's last stand)

3 1 0

Day 28

BalBoato Hotel

Jacesgames333: Oh well

Danganronpa134422k: Nice

Jacesgames33 and Danganronpa134422k fist bumps

YT_KalebPlayz (Confessional): I am not memorable but that's probably good cause i could make it to the final 3

Danganronpa134422k (Confessional): I am gonna go home with the million dollar right now

Joenutztheswag2: Not gonna lie i think i have been here for 7 months now

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Me too

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: I would say danganronpa is a villian he needs to go so lets vote danganronpa okay?

Joenutztheswag2: But his in a immunity streak right now

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Atleast we are gonna try

Night 28

Balboato Hotel

YT_KalebPlayz: Is there anything than water in here?

Joenutztheswag2: I Don't know but wanna go downstair's to the basement?

YT_KalebPlayz: It's 3am

Joenutztheswag2: Let's be quiet to play uh i don't even know what the game's down the basement

YT_KalebPlayz: Let's just go in then

Day 29

Balboato Hotel's basement

YT_KalebPlayz: I am tired i wanna sleep right now

Joenutztheswag2: i am tired aswell oh well let's just sleep

YT_KalebPlayz: we shouldn't have played the whole night

Joenutztheswag2: Oh Well

Balboato hotel

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Ah what a nice day hope there won't be any challenge for today

Danganronpa134422k: Hey Blocky

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Ah Nooo my pancakes

Danganronpa134422k: Sorry man ill buy you another one

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: What do you wanna talk about now?

Danganronpa134422k: Let's vote out Kaleb okay?

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Okay imma go to my dorm now

Jacesgames333: Just woke up and i have a 1/6 chance of winning now oh yeah

Challenge time

James: wake up guys

Joenutztheswag2: isn't it just 7am?

James: Well i want you to eat so yeah

Okeeda: what do you mean?

James: its a eating challenge and a reward/immunity challenge

Okeeda: Nice

YT_KalebPlayz: Oh yea-

Kaleb falls asleep after

Jacesgames333: So uh james?

James: his gonna be sitting out

Danganronpa134422k: Nice

Joenutztheswag2: Oh boi

james: in this challenge you have to eat 2 spicy chicken after the 1st one the 2 who eat's it the slowest will be out and after the 1st one the 2nd you have to eat 2 hamburgers the 2 slowest loses
and the winner get's to be in a resort with someone for 3 days and is safe for today and btw you can take your time no need to hurry

Okeeda: Oh gosh i am worried

James: 3... 2... 1...... Go

Danganronpa134422k: This is really spicy

Jacesgames333: Done

Okeeda: wha-

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: How that fast oh well

Joenutztheswag2: I am tired oh well

Danganronpa134422k: Done

James: Danganronpa and Jace is done 3 people left

Okeeda: Oh gosh

Joenutztheswag2: I give up

James: Joe give's up

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: i am not losing to you bro

Blocky drinks water after

Okeeda: Well yes i a-

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Done oh gosh it's spicy

Okeeda: What the

James Blocky has finished go to the 2nd part

Danganronpa134422k: Oh well

James: okay 3... 2.. 1... Go

Jacesgames333: Yummy

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: oh yeah

Danganronpa134422k: Oh boi

Jacesgames333: Done

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Wha-?

James: Jacesgames333 wins immunity and jacesgames333 pick a person going to the resort

Jacesgames333: Hmmm i think danganronpa

Danganronpa134422k: Nice Thanks

James: anyway's head back to the hotel

Night 29

Balboato Hotel

Danganronpa134422k (Confessional): I didn't win that immunity DAMN IT

YT_KalebPlayz: Oh boi what happened i just woke up

Joenutztheswag2: Jacesgames333 won immunity and reward

YT_KalebPlayz: Oh Nice

YT_KalebPlayz (Confessional): I think i am safe tonight

Okeeda: hey Kaleb do you have food?

YT_KalebPlayz: No

Okeeda: Okay bye then


James: you already know it's time to vote

Okeeda: Yup

Danganronpa134422k (Whisper to Okeeda): Vote Kaleb and ill make you go to the final 3

Okeeda (Whisper to Danganronpa): Sure

Voting time

Okeeda (Whisper): YT_KalebPlayz Sorry bro i got a deal

YT_KalebPlayz (Whisper): Danganronpa134422k

Reading votes

James: i have gotten the votes

James: 1st vote Danganronpa134422k
2nd vote YT_KalebPlayz
3rd vote YT_KalebPlayz
4th vote Danganronpa134422k
5th vote Joenutztheswag2
6th vote Danganronpa134422k
the 11th person voted out and the 4th member of our jury is......

YT_KalebPlayz: Dang it

James: YT_KalebPlayz the team has spoken

YT_KalebPlayz: Just a complete surpise oh well

James: head back to the hotel and Danganronpa134422k, Jacesgames333 a boat is waiting for your time to go in the resort

Jacesgames333: Oh yeah

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Goodbye

Joenutztheswag2: Goodbye too

Okeeda: Goodbye

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