Red's first bath

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Red had never been so happy before in her life. Not that she could remember anyway. Now she had a home, with 6 older boys who even might become like family despite their strange personalities.

She skipped happily, up the stairs then down down the hall, all the way back to her new room with a smile on her face.

Reiji had said that tonight was the night that they all had dinner together, she was excited, and hungry. The last time she ate was 2 days ago, she was surprised she even had so much energy.

She closes her bedroom door and goes to the closet, she didn't think about how the brothers knew her size nor asked herself why they had a bunch of child's clothes.

She picked out a green and white checkered dress that had long white sleeves. White leggings, a white bow for her hair, and green flats.

She then took off her red cloak, tossed it on the bed, then carried the dress, the leggings, and some underwear into the bathroom. She had planned on taking a bath, because she needed one and she couldn't remember the last time she was totally clean.

What she didn't expect to find in the bathroom though, was the bathtub already filled and ready, and Shuu relaxing in the tub with his clothes on.

She walks to the edge of the tub and looks at him, "Shuu? When did you get in here?" she asks.

He didn't open his eyes, nor gave any sign of hearing her, she was about to repeat the question he finally answered, "2 minutes ago."

She giggles for some reason, maybe it was the fact that he still had his clothes on and was in the tub? But she decided that there was enough room in the bath for both of them. So she set her clothes down a safe distance away from the tub so they wouldn't get wet, and began to strip out of her pajamas. She didn't even seem to care that Shuu, a man, was right there. Ah, the innocence of the young.

She managed to squirm out of her shirt, what she didn't know was that Shuu had opened his eyes and was now observing her bare back. What he saw though, slightly surprised him, though he didn't show it. There were multiple big purple and black bruises that practically painted her back, as well as long gash marks as if someone as taken a whip to her. The gashes didn't look like they were infected, but they didn't look entirely clean either. Why someone would do this to a child? Not even he knew. But he went back to ignoring her and closes his eyes again.

Red wiggled out of her pants and underwear, then hesitantly took off her eye patch and the bandage that covered her wounded temple that still had yet to scab over.

Then she climbed over the rim of the tub and splashed into the water. She had to stay on her knees in order to keep her head above the water.

She smiled to herself as she felt the nice hot bath wash away all the dirt, grime, and blood. Just sitting in the tub made her feel cleaner. She held her breath and went underwater, then came back up for air, she wiped the water from her eyes and opened them. Only to find Shuu looking at her, "Your..... Eye is-...." he didn't finish his sentence.

Red slightly panicked, she quickly covered her right eye and looked down at her reflection in shame, "I know." She says.

Removing her hand, she stared at her two totally different colored eyes, her left was a lovely delicate blue, but her right was pitch black. No pupil could be seen.

"It is why those meanies were chasing me. They kept calling me a monster and a demon." Red says, tears brimmed her eyes and a few dripped into the water before she wiped them away.

She looks up at Shuu, "Why do they call me that?" she asks, "They even said I wasn't human.... Am I?"

The tears started flooding down her cheeks, she sniffled and sobs, her big puppy dog like eyes were practically begging for Shuu to say something.

He sighs and sits up, "Stop crying." he says,wiping the tears from her face, "Tears don't suit you. If anyone here isn't human it's me."

She slightly smiles at him, "You look normal to me!"

Shuu chuckles at her, "looks can be deceiving kid."

Red put a finger to her chin with a chibi question mark over her head, "De-cei-ving?" she sounds out the word, "what does that mean?"

"I'll tell ya later. For now just turn around."

Red does as she's told and turns so her back is facing him, Shuu rolls up his sleeves and gets some soap in his hands before gently scrubbing her back. Red winced at first but a smile came to her face at Shuu's actions.

Shuu helped her wash her hair and condition it, and afterwards he got out and got a towel for both her and himself. Once he was dried off, he pulled Red put of the tub and wrapped a pink towel around her small frame.

"Thank you Shuu." Red says, a large smile on her face.

"Hm." was all he said in response, but it was enough for her.

Once red was all dried off, she covered herself up with the towel, "Can you get dressed yourself?" Shuu asks.

Red looks at the clothes she had neatly put by the door, "I..... Think so." was her answer.

Shuu left the bathroom and was about to leave Red's room but for some reason, something told him to stay. He fell backwards on to the bed and waited about 5 minutes for Red to get dressed. He sat up when he heard footsteps, Red came stumbling out of the bathroom...... But not totally dressed..... Her head was trying to cram itself into right sleeve, her left arm was sticking out of where the head was SUPPOSED to be and her right arm was tangled somewhere in there.

Shuu was honestly, on the brink of giving in to his strong urge to laugh when Red landed on her bum with an 'oof!'. He stood up and walked over to the blinded girl, "Need some help kid?" he asked.

She tries to look up at him, "Please?" she says, sweatdrop on the back of her head.

He rolls his eyes and helps her get untangled from the dress, then he got her into it the proper way, "How did you manage to get dressed before meeting us?"

"A LOT of trying."

Shuu helped her into the dress, the leggings, and even put her hair up and put the bow in. He also put a new bandage on her wounded temple and convinced her not to wear the eye patch.

Once Red put on her shoes and grabbed her cloak, it was time for dinner already, so she followed Shuu down the long dark hallway. Absolutely famished.

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