Red's sweetie

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Red woke up in her bed, hungry, and craving sweets. So she got out of bed, put on her cloak, and started on her search for the kitchen. The mansion was pretty big, and she NO idea where the kitchen was, so 30 minutes later she FINALLY found what she was looking for. Opening the door, the only person she found in the kitchen was Kanato with the teddy bear he always carried around.

"Hi Kanato!" she says, happily skipping up to him.

He looks at her and smiles somewhat creepily, "Hehe~ hi Red-chan~"

"Do you always carry that teddy bear around?"

Kanato's smile dropped, "Teddy doesn't like being alone."

"Hehe~ I have a teddy to! But I call her pinky."

Kanato tilted his head to the side curiously, "You do?"

"Yeah! Is it okay if Teddy meets Pinky?"

Kanato looked at his Teddy for a moment, then looked at Red again, "Teddy says, he wants to meet her."

"Okay! I'll be right back!"

Red rushed out of the kitchen, she was able to get back to her room, dig through her backpack, and run back to the kitchen in less than 5 minutes this time.

When she arrived back at the kitchen, Kanato almost glared at her, "Teddy doesn't like waiting." he says.

"I'm sorry." Red looks at the ground, "your house is just so big!"

Then she took out a little black stuffed toy bear from behind her back. The bear had beady black eyes, a pink bow around its neck, with lots of patches of pink and white hearts on it. It was a bit old, and a little dirty, but Red truley did love that bear.

"Kanato, Teddy, meet Pinky!" Red says, introducing her little friend.

Kanato tilted his head at the sight of the bear, "Red.... Who gave you Pinky?"

This time, it was Red's turn for her smile to drop. She looked at her bear and gave a sad smile, "I don't know, I don't remember. I've just always had her."

Then she shook her head and smiles brightly at him, "Do you and teddy know where there is something sweet?" she asks, hugging Pinky close.

"Sweet?" Kanato questions, racking his memory to find out where there might be something with sugar, "I think we've run out."

Red pouted before smiling again, "Then why don't we make something? The four of us!" she holds up Pinky, "Would Teddy like that?"

Kanato looks at the child, she was strange indeed, she didn't find the brothers abnormal in any way and she treated them like she's known them forever. She somehow knew what each of them liked and their personality, and she knew how to wiggle her way into their head, and their hearts.

Kanato smiled at her, not one of his usually creepy smiles, a real kind and gentle smile, "Yes... We would like that." he responds.

Red beamed at him, "What should we make?"

"I'm in a cake mood." Kanato stands up from his seat and walks to the cupboards to get the ingredients.

"Yum! Cake! What kind?" Red said excitedly.

"Do you like chocolate?"

"I've only just tried chocolate, and I loved it!"

Kanato chuckles at the girl as she climbs onto the counter, sits on the edge and cuddles Pinky close.

"Let's use the blender to mix the batter."

"Umm..." Red looks at him with her big doe eyes, "what's... A blender?"

Kanato looks surprised at her, "You don't know?"

Red shook her head.

"Well... A blender is a machine, that spins really fast to mix things in food." Kanato explains, while getting the blender from the cupboard.

Once they got all the ingredients in Kanato turned his back for a second and Red accidently pushed a button on the blender while it didn't have the lid on. The sudden loud noise made Red cover her ears, batter flew everywhere, surprising Kanato and Red. Kanato quickly shielded his face from batter before turning the blender off.

As soon as all the noise stopped, Red looked at him, covered head to toe in batter, "I'm so sorry!!" she says, looking down on shame, "I-I just-.... I didn't-..." she was trying to find the right words.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Kanato suddenly burst out laughing.

Red looked up at him surprised, before she herself went into a giggling fit.

Kanato licked some batter off of her cheek, making her squeal and start giggling again.

"You taste sweet." Kanato says, for once he wasn't talking about her blood.

"Hey Kanato." Red says, "What's sweeter? Chocolate or icing?"

Kanato thought for a moment, "hmm.... Icing." he answers.

Red shook her head, "Nope, neither!"

The purple haired boy tilted his head in confusion, "Because" Red continues, "you're the sweetest! You're my sweetie!"

Kanato smiled at her, "Hehe, Teddy likes you."

Red smiled brightly back, "Pinky like you too!"

The sound of the door opening made them turn their heads.

"You certainly know how to make yourself known." Reiji stood in the doorway, slightly glaring at the two.

"S-sorry Reiji-kun." Red looking down at the floor again.

It's not that she was scared of Reiji, she just didn't like it when she got in trouble, when people yelled at her, or when people glare.

"Me and Teddy will clean up." Kanato says, "You go change into clean clothes."

Red got down from the counter and walked out of the kitchen, only to run into Shuu.

"What are you covered in?" he asked.

"Cake batter, me and Kanato-kun were trying to make a cake." She says.

Shuu, chuckles at her, "Emphasis on the word 'trying'. Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

"Okay!" Red happily skipped next to him, teddy bear in hand, back to her room to get in the bath.

DONE!!!! WHO SHOULD I DO NEXT??? Hope y'all enjoyed this cuteness!! Also! I tried my best, but Kanato's character is the hardest to write so sorry if Kanato isn't.... Kanato.


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