ch. 1

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Vanna slammed her foot on the gas pedal, quickly trying to speed away from the green pickup truck tailing right behind her bumper. Her little Toyota Tercel swerved a little on the road against the wind. Boldly, she sharply grabs the wheel and pulls to the right; landing her straight into a cornfield. The truck speeds away, leaving her stranded on the side of the road.

"Asshole!" She yells after the truck, jumping out of her car and shaking her fist through the air. She quickly dials the phone to call her friend Nash, feeling her body going into panic mode.

"Hello Nash?" Vanna says in a distraught voice.

"Vanna? What's wrong? Where are you?" Nash asks in a worried voice.

"This psycho ran me off the road and into the ditch!" She sobs into the phone. Her hands began to shake uncontrollably. "He was driving a green pickup truck..."

"Will your car start?" Nash asks, trying to keep her calm.

"I don't know!" Vanna sobs, climbing back into the drivers seat and slamming the door. She grabs hold of the keys, letting it turn over a few times before the engine roared to life. What luck! "It started."

"Why don't you stay by me tonight?" Nash coaxes, using the most manipulative tone he can muster.

"But its so far..." She argues, scrunching up her face.

"Come on baby girl..." He coos, his voice sounding like it was coated in honey. "I'm sick of just seeing you in pictures."

Vanna blushed crimson at his statement. Nash had been Vanna's online boyfriend for almost a year now. They text all night and all day, snapchat, tweet, instagram, and just about everything else under the sun. Even though they had been together so long, they still have yet to meet face to face.

"Pleeeeese?" Nash begs cutely, trying his hardest to get her to say yes. "I want to cuddle you for real tonight."

"Well..." She starts, running her hands through her hair. "Okay."

"Excellent. I can't wait to kiss you for the first time, baby girl." Nash says, making her cheeks flush red once more.

"Text me the directions and I'll leave my house in an hour." She says, pulling her car back onto the road.

"Take your time. I won't be home for a few hours anyway. I have to go baby girl, bye." Nash says before the line goes dead.

Vanna's smile was so wide and so broad that her face was literally starting to hurt. Nash made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world. She pulled into her driveway at the speed of light and quickly unlocked the backdoor to her house.

"I'm home!" She yells out from the sun porch, kicking off her shoes and hurrying into the house.

"You seem to be in a creepily good mood." Her roommate Crystal remarks. "What's gotten into you?"

"Well, you know my boyfriend Nash, right?" Vanna begins, a dark red blush already appearing on her face.

"Of course." Crystal says, her eyes growing wide.

"He wants me to come stay with him for a few days." She continues with a dreamy look in her eye.

"That's great!" Crystal says, her voice not nearly as enthusiastic as Vanna's. A long and awkward pause follows soon after.

"You don't think I should." Vanna finally says, her smile dropping.

"Well...its your first time meeting him Van. What if he's some kind of psycho crazy stalker?!" Crystal says without thinking. She quickly covers her mouth with her hands. A tear slides out of Vanna's eye.

"How could you say that?" She asks quietly. The words stung like the stings of a thousand wasps. "You know how much I love him, Chris."

"I know, but--" Crystal starts. "You just don't know."

Her words tore into Vanna like a vicious mad dog. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket before she took off for the safety of her room. Hot salty tears flowed freely down her cheeks before she collapsed down on her bed. Vanna looked down at her phone screen to see Nash's address staring back at her. A look of determination spread over her angelic features.

"Can't wait to finally see you baby :)" she typed out before hitting send.

Vanna dug through her closet and pulled out her adidas duffle bag. She threw about a three days supply of clothes into the bag, carefully choosing what to bring with to impress the man she wanted so deeply to like her.

After checking and rechecking her bag several times, she set it off to the side and turned on her stereo. She looked at herself in the mirror and realized that she was still in her work uniform. Her face contorted when she saw the messy knot of hair atop her head, paired with her greasy dishwashing uniform.

"This will never do." She huffed, stripping off the dampened Outback Steakhouse T-shirt that still clung to her body. She tossed the shirt and her work pants into the hamper before entering her on suit.

Vanna turned the shower faucet to hot and let the water run until steam began to erupt from the top. She was in the shower for a good thirty minutes before she deemed that everything was perfect.

Slipping into a new outfit, Vanna began to feel better about the situation. The outfit consisted of black leggings, a black crop top with daisies over the boobs, a red oversized flannel shirt, and her oversized jean jacket. She also slipped on a pair of black creepers.

After she was finished doing her hair and makeup, she was finally ready to leave. She slung the duffle bag over her shoulder and trudged down the stairs. On her way out the door, she saw Crystal and her boyfriend Brendon laughing and cuddling on the couch. Oh how badly Vanna wanted to have that with her own significant other.

Vanna got behind the wheel of her car and instantly felt a wave of nervousness come over her.

"Well, here goes nothing." She breathes, starting up her car.

Next stop, Virginia Beach.

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