Chapter 19

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Zayn's POV

"Mum, I'm going for a walk." I told my mother sadly after putting on my jacket. She came from the living room and shook her head at me.

"You're supposed to be healing your ribs, baby. Just sit down." She told me, full worry in her voice. I walked over and gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.

"I need to clear my head. Allot happened today and I just need time alone." I said quietly, feeling my eyes start to fill with tears.

I'm just so confused to what is wrong with Niall. I know he has times where he thinks this is wrong, but I guess sometimes it gets frustrating to me that he can hurt me in the process and not think about it. I'm in pain, but I know nothing he does to push me away will make me stop loving him.

"Okay, just be careful and safe. Call me if you need me to go pick you up because your ribs hurt or something." Mum said, kissing me on the cheek. I nodded while wiping whatever fell from my eyes.

The second I walked out the front door, the cool air hit me and I inhaled a good breath of it. As I walked, I did more thinking about Niall, than I did to where I was going.

From his empty blue eyes to the sound of his laugh, I thought of everything. Why did I have to fall in love with someone so perfect if they can never love me back? I know he says he loves me, but I feel like he doesn't at the same time. I feel like he only knows the feeling, but can't quite show it because he's been told that it's wrong. It's far from being wrong, it's the most perfect thing ever. Being in love only happens to a few people, that's what makes this so special. But for Niall, he sees this as a great punishment from God or that he needs to be something he's not.

I looked around my surroundings and realized I was nowhere near my house. These houses were much nicer and richer. I kept walking until I found myself standing in front of Niall's house. If I weren't feeling so sad at the moment, I would have laughed at the fact my feet brought me here subconsciously.

I walked to the side of Niall's house to his balcony and saw the light on in his room. I know he's probably done with me, but I want him to say it not just leave me alone in class to listen to all the fucking shit everyone believes.

I gently started climbing the tree, being careful not to upset my ribs. When I got to his balcony, I climbed over the railing, then tapped on the door to his room. A few minutes later, the door was being cracked open by a blotchy eyed messy haired boy.

When Niall saw it was me he tried for a smile, but ended up sobbing loudly. Immediately, I wrapped him in my arms because I could feel the pain he was in. I would take this from him in a heartbeat, unfortunately it's not possible and all I can really do is hold the poor boy.

"I'm sorry, Zayn. I didn't mean it." Niall whimpered in my ear. I just nodded, setting aside the pain I had been feeling and made sure my Niall was alright. I pulled away from hugging him then looked over his face, wiping his tears that had fallen.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything, like to talk or anything?" I asked him quietly, looking into his room to see his door was shut.

"I need you to love me still." He whispered, then I felt a sweet kiss on my cheek. I looked back at Niall and silently asked for permission to go into his room, which he let me by taking my hand in his.

Neither of us said anything, we just looked at each other and I knew what he needed. I saw the uncertainty in his eyes and I saw the begging for everything to be alright. I took a step forward and captured his lips with mine.

Niall's hand flew up to my jaw while the other held onto my back like I would leave if he didn't hold me. I held him just as tight in return as I kissed the boy slowly, showing him he was still my love. Niall followed my lead and moved his lips just as slowly with mine.

Sinful Love (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now