Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

The school hallways were crowed as usual with crazy teenagers running around in their school uniforms. I go to a girls and boys preparatory school here in the wealthier end of Bradford, but that still doesn't mean people are well behaved.

I stopped at my locker and got all my books for my morning classes, but felt someone's eyes on me as I got my books. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Zayn kid looking at me as he leaned against a wall down the hall from me. His eyes stayed trained on me until he must have realized I was looking at him because he looked away.

I still felt horrible for what my father did to him, but I'm actually scared that he's going to beat me up now for it. He has a reputation for doing that. If someone gets in his way or says something that he doesn't like he will beat them to a bloody pulp. It's scary and now that I saw him looking at me I'm scared for my safty, even if him looking at me got my heart beating faster for other reasons too.

I shook my head to rid those thoughts and shut my locker. I kept my head down like I have been for the past two years of high school. I'm glad I only have one more year and I can leave this place and move out of my house to go to college.

I remember when I used to talk to people and have friends. Then one day it happened my first year of high school and I got weird feelings being around Liam. I knew it was wrong because that's all my father ever preaches about. Homosexuality is wrong, so when I started thinking things that were like that I stopped having friends and a life. I spent the next two years trying to fix my mind, but I still don't understand why I feel like something is there.

I got to my first class and sat in the back. I looked around and saw a few people were in here talking and having fun with their friends. My eyes landed on Liam talking to some curly haired boy that I think his name is Harry, both of them were laughing and looked like they were really close. My heart ached for unknown reasons. I wasn't sure if it was because that used to be me and Liam or if it was those sinful feelings coming to haunt me.

"This seat taken, church boy?" My head wiped around from where it was looking at my old best friend to the boy that was probably plotting how he wanted to slam his fist into my face. He threw his book bag down on the floor and sat in the seat without me even giving permission. Not that I would be able to say much to him because he just made me feel tongue tied. We don't even talk so I know now he's just going to tell me to meet him in the car park after school.

"Don't know how to talk either? Thought you did yesterday." Zayn told me, leaning closer to my desk. I looked away from him and met Liam's sad eyes before he looked away from me and took his seat next to my replacement named Harry.

"I know how to talk." I mumbled, then looked down at my desk. Zayn snorted and snapped his fingers in front of my face, making me look him in his very pretty brown eyes.

"You just don't want to talk to me because I'm not a perfect little church goer like you. Tell me, will you get in trouble for taking to me?" I shook my head slightly, then looked away from him because now he's just giving me a hard time and I don't want that. All I want is to have a normal life with my best friend to have fun with again. I didn't ask for any of this.

The bell rang and I set all my attention to the front where the teacher started talking. I wasn't paying much attention because my eyes kept wondering over to Zayn and seeing he was already looking at me. I involuntarily blushed and looked away.

Halfway through class Zayn started poking me with his pencil. I ignored him just so I wouldn't get in trouble, but with him just lightly taunting me was starting to get to me. I felt my eyes burn and I laid my head on my desk.

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