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The shirtless mans clasp became tighter. His fingers imprinted onto my wrist. If he had squeezed any harder my bones would break. "Get the fuck off me." My free-hand punches at the veiny arm dragging me around. Fear engolped my body; I felt disoriented. Melanie's eyes were burnt onto my shaken body. Her composer was broken for a moment, she'd almost looked sad.

Coles irises widened, his legs were frantically trying to get off the floor. Behind him was another man. He took a step forward. "Hey, Cole. Ya miss me." A black man in a red tracksuit was peering over him. Sweat pooled down Coles pallor face. "You look like you've seen a gorgeous black ghost. But I'm not Casper. I will wreck your shit." His head whips towards me. "Who's this?"

"Leave her alone!" The frail boy jumped up from the floor. He tried to run to me but failed immediately, being yanked from his brown suit. A cackle left Jimmy's crusty mouth, making me cringe in disgust. The 'Babysitters' were appearing like the avengers in endgame.

On cew, a ginger-haired girl stumbed from the window. "How are any of you alive?" I spoke trying to calm the frantic pants leaving my mouth "Cole had told me the way y'all died it was gruesome."

"Well, the devil is a nice man, and let us have a second chance." The ditzy girl twirled her ponytails. I felt so bad for Cole. He has to deal with these psychos that still managed to ruin his life even after they died. My body felt numb , the urge to fall asleep washed over me like a wave. I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I tried to fight it off; exhaustion won and before I knew it my eyes fluttered shut.

_______________________________________ _Five minutes later you began to awaken. You'd only been a sleep for 300 seconds but it felt like days. Your tounge felt dry; as you blink, flashbacks fill your head. 'Shit' you'd thought. You were now being held bridal style by the shirtless man, his chiseled chest was hard against your head. "Get away from us!" Cole screeched. He was holding the hook that Boom Boom had gotten murdered with, it still had her flesh dangling of it. You remained stoic. You weren't going to make it out of here by freaking out.

Hope was on your mind. You knew you could find a way out of here you just needed the right moment. Luckily for you, your lord and saviour opened the door. Pheobe. Her sparse eyebrows lifted in confusion, clearly weirded out.

"You!" Cole's boney finger raised in accusation. "Oh, I knew you were apart of this! You black cat, hitchhiking Picardy killer. You're the new bad!" Awkwardness filled the once hectic room.

"I'm just looking for gas. My jet ski's running low." She looked over at you being cradled firmly by the tall man. Her eyes then fixate on Boom Boom's dead body. "You guys are into some heavy cosplay." You didn't say anything. You knew it wasn't the right moment. She slides the door shut trying to forget what she had just witnessed.

"Oh no! It's all going to get fucked up again." Allison cried stomping her feet. You look over at Cole, his gaze was on you. He was trying to signal you something.

And it was like your intuition knew, you grab the glass shard that had somehow appeared and pierce Max's soft skin
"FUCK!" He yelled dropping you to cover his bloody wound. The fall made you gasp for air. But you got up not wasting time. Cole throws the hook at Allisons face and legs it, grabbing your hand in the process. Cole jumbs up onto the ladder first being speedy as adrenaline pumped through his veins. I join in after, successfully reaching the top without being dragged down.

"I'm coming for you guys! I'm right behind you." The man who had being carrying you howled. Your legs dragged you towards the slide it was like you were being controlled by some puppeteer. Fortunately for you Phoebe, was at the bottom of the slide, turning her engine on, preparing to take off. This was your only chance to escape, and you took it. You and Cole held onto eachother tightly as you slid down to her jetski. Your bottom hurt as you landed, there wasn't that much room. -for as it was made for 2 people- Max leaned over the railing, gripping onto it with anger. His knuckles turned white. He then quickly ran back to get something.

"Y/N? Cole? What are you guys doing." She circled her head to us. "Fucking go!" You squealed in ergancy. Phoebe zoomed off just in time before an arrow came flying at the three off you, missing you narrowly.


I hold onto Cole closely. My cheek pillowing on his shoulder, I was on the edge; one rough turn would send me flying into the the depths of the sea. Ahead of us was a rocky island, we wasted no time running up it. Grime painted my denim jeans but it didn't matter. We stopped taking deep breathes. "What was that." Her pants were sharp and fast.

"Wait. you saw that? You saw the dead girl, the bloodthirsty maniacs? I understand that what we just went through was life-endangering and traumatic, but he doesn't need to ask the obvious. "Did i see that? Of course I saw that shit! Why's they kill that girl." Fear was carved onto her face. She wanted answers from one of you.

"You're going to think I'm insane. But, basically, they're a cult and they made a deal with the Devil, and in exchange for their soul they get any life they want."

Phoebe let out a breathe of reassurance "Thank God. I thought they were zombies. I hate zombies."I laugh at her answer to all of this. If I were in her position I would be freaking out.

"You're very calm for someone who has just learnt that there's a cult chasing after them" I say. Phoebe places a hand onto my lap.

"I'm just glad they aren't zombies." She shrugs. My mind started to retrace everything, I can't believe Melanie would do something like this. She would murder her own bestfriend to get what she wanted. "Update me on the psycho breakfast club."

"Basically the older ones died two years ago. But clearly, they're back to life, like their mimetic metal or something." Cole explained.

"Liquid alloy?" Phoebe replies trying to think of how they were here. His eyebrow lifted. "Youve watched terminator."

"Cole" I play with the loose string of my bracelet "As much as I love your movie knowledge and how much you want yo talk about them. Now is not the time." Phoebe stands up swinging her backpack. "Wait, where are you going?" Cole and I questioned in a synchronised matter.

"We have to stick together."

"We." She huffed making it sound exaggerative "We are not a thing."


This story has barely gotten anywhere. I am very sorry for the shit post but I really hate my writing.

jennaxortega gave me motivation to write this chapter so thank you.

Anyways i will try to write a plan of how I'd like this story to go. Have a nice day and adios!

The Babysitter killer queen x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now