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"FUCK MY HEAD!" MY TEMPLE PULSATES IN A RYTHMN; I lift my hand to my forehead, causing my fingers to be painted in a red sticky substance. Puke threatens to make it's way up, however I force it down quickly barely managing to do so. This is all so fucking nasty. I am never letting myself get flung around like that ever again.

The water bubbled from the sudden fire, everything else felt so cold compared to the sound of it. The night air clearly wasn't getting any warmer. But I'm sure we won't have a problem warming up with all these psycho bastards chasing after us. Cole lets out a ghastly groan as his eyes readjusted to his surroundings, furthurmore he slowly sits up. Phoebe and I ,shortly after, mimick his movements.

"This is why you should stick with us." Cole said in a 'I told you so' voice. Phoebe rolled her eyes, as she began to move, climbing up the rocks.

"Either you come with us now, or you fend for yourself." Phoebe is beginning to piss me off. I mean, come on. Its obvious sticking together will make us stronger. At this point i do not care what I say to her. And as selfish as it sounds, if she doesn't come with us right now, I am not going to try and convince her otherwise anymore. I just need to survive. If she is going to be stubborn about all this, then she can die alone.

Phoebe's face contorted as she was considering to venture of on her own. Before she finally signed and gave up trying to act as if she could survive this mess. Thank god. Who knows what would've happened if she had run off.
"Alright... fine." She shrugged. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

And with that, and with the loud ringing eventually subduing, we get up of from the rocky floor.

"There's a reason I came here and I need to figure everything out." Phoebe mumbled underneath her breathe. Strange. Did it have to do with that weird Teddy she found in her locker?

The pain from my head constantly pulstated as If I was getting wacked in the head with a hammer a million times it was hard to ignore but I managed to. I glance over at Cole to see how he is dealing with everything. And strangely he seemed... calm? To be fair this isn't his first road trip dealing with a bunch of psycho teenagers. However, it was strange to see him not panic about this.

Cole turned around, pausing in his tracks? clearly feeling my eyes on him. He gave me a 'are you okay?', holding out his hand for me to grab. I gratefully take it and nod at the unspoken question. How sweet of him. His hand was grazed from knocking into the rock but I ignored the feeling of open skin. I have literally stabbed someone for the first time today. Ew no. I don't want to think about that.

"It's crazy to see you this calm about something so bizzare as this." I say as we continue our walk. I just wanted to hear his thoughts and what he was thinking about this. I mean these little freaks practically ruined his life and his childhood. Imagine being that hungry for fame that you try to kill your bestfriend/ a kid. It's kind of embarrassing. Just get talent instead of going through all that.

"I've survived this before. I can do it again." He was being very nonchalant about this. It was spooky to see but then again I'm glad one of us is more calm with this. However, although he may have survived this before. I haven't. I'm not being funny. The only things I have survived which involved murder and this type of stuff were games. Like playing Resident Evil. But those were all behind the comfort of a screen.

As if he could sense the worry that i was feeling, he shortly added, "Don't worry, I'll protect you." His eyes crinkled, with a warm smile plastered on his face. I couldn't help but believe that he could. Maybe it was because of the way his eyes were glimpsing at each feature of my face as if to take it so that it could remain that way. Or maybe it was because I know that he was smart and tactical. Maybe it was both amd more. Either way, a warm sensation spread through my chest.

After a long tiring climb up the hand-cutting rocks, we end up a sort of steady path and walk along it. This is all just so exhausting, and I have a feeling that this is only the beginning. The sound of the crunching rocks was only to be heard, I couldn't help but get stuck within my own thoughts. I don't want to die. Like at all. I didnt even get a chance to say goodbye to my parents. Oh god. I didn't even see them in the morning. I mean sure Cole can try to protect-
Out nowhere, a bird pops out from the rocks causing me to become interrupted from my thoughts. All of us shrieked at the sudden appearance.

"Holy shit."

Stupid bird. Nearly gave me a damn heart attack.

From a distance, music was being played, and a bright flicker of a flame could be seen. "Is that a banjo?" Cole questioned, his eyebrow rising. What the actual fuck is going on? The shit is just getting creepier and creepier.

"I think it is?" I replied, my face grimacing. I turn to phoebe who was also just as confused as us.

"Maybe they can help us? Whoever is playing it." Phoebe suggested. "I think we should find them."

"What if it's trap?" Cole asked, being extremely concerned for all of our safety.

"It may be but I think pheobes right. We should go find who ever it is." This may be idiotic and stupid, but it's worth a shot. They might have something that can help us.

Cole wanted to tried to argue against the idea but was defeated in the end as it was two against one. Phoebe and I silently cheer in victory. Again I am fully-aware that this may be a trap. So, I crouch down behind a giant bush and grabbed a stone that was on the ground. The two of them follow my action of hiding into the bush.

My eyes zoomed in on the man. He was alone...? This alone was setting off red flags, and something in my intuition was telling me to run away as fast as I can. The man was playing a banjo, we were right about that. Which isn't important but I noted. He also had a tent that lurked behind him.

"He doesn't look like he can help us." Cole mumbled. I think he noticed something was off too.

"We won't know until we find out." Phoebe replied.

"Maybe we shouldn't." Something isn't right about him. I just know it. I went to reach for her shoulder, but before I knew it, Pheobe was already running up to him.

"Hey! Excuse me?""
Guys I know I promised a longer chapter but I have 0 motivation to finish this. But I wanted to put out something.
Sorry for it being released so late

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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