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" The one I was dancing with
  In New York, no shoes "


                                                              MARCH 1, 2012.

The bodies in the room swayed, as a young boy held a microphone, his four friends
accompanied him, as well as a blonde haired woman. The blonde haired girl stumbled to the bar and placed her empty wine glass on the table messily. "One more please" she slurred, as she listened to the four boys sing a song- 'what makes you beautiful'. They slurred some of the words, the friends were wasted. The girl, walked up to a boy starting to make conversation. "H....hi, what's your name" the woman said, as she groaned at her high heels, they were leaving blisters on her feet. "Oh, I'm Louis"! He said happily, he wasn't drunk, the girl could tell. "Well I'm Taylor swift" said Taylor, shaking Louis hand.

Harry had a tint of jealousy in his eyes, and went over to the girl, and wrapped his arm around her neck. "Ah, love your feet look hurt, why don't you take them off, and then we can have a dance" said Harry, smiling, shoving his microphone into Louis chest, he whispered something to him, and went on to smiling. Louis put his hands up in the air and left with the other boys, to the new York streets. The other boys smirked at Harry, which he returned back, he wanted to get the girl. A blonde boy, yelled "WELL BE IN THE HOTEL ROOM", he had a Irish accent. Harry nodded and mumbled, "what's your name, lovely". Harry new exactly who she was. "I'm Taylor Alison swift" slurred Taylor. Harry chugged his beer and
Looked at Taylor's feet, they were perfect.

"And you....must be Harry....your...Louis was telling me about...you" Taylor slurred, making Harry smile, and grab her hand. Stumbling towards the dance floor. He grabbed her hand,twirling around. "God, Harry stop"! She exclaimed, pushing her self against his chest. Harry chuckled drunkenly and twirled her around again, making he laugh and hold his hand. Harry went in to kiss Taylor's soft lips. 3 seconds of heaven. Taylor blushed, smiling. "Your a good kisser, styles" Taylor slurred. "I know" mumbled Harry into her ear. Taylor bit her lip, and went to kiss his cheek.

Harry closed his eyes, and said whispering, "why don't we take this to my room, huh, love". Taylor bobbed her head up and down, taking Harry's hand and grabbing her black heels, she ran outside, the cold breeze hitting her shoulders, the duo called a taxi, and jumped in. "Where too"? Said the taxi driver, smoking a cigarette. "Uh.... The Marriott...hotel, of course" slurred Taylor, the taxi driver sighed and pressed the wheel. "Wow, I'm going to sleep with Harry fucking styles"! Exclaimed Taylor, pressing his lips with her hands. Harry blushed and said "you are", the driver slammed on his brakes,and stopped the car. Harry handed him some random bills, and took Taylor's hand. Taylor ran into the hotel, going for the stairs, "room 23, level 3" she said, running drunkenly. "I can beat you"! Said Harry, running up the stairs.

Taylor panted as she reached the third floor, walking to her room. "Hurry up, love" Harry snickered into her hair. Taylor grabbed the keycard from her purse and slammed the door open, dropping everything and slamming into Harry.


Taylor woke up with a throbbing headache, what had happened last night. Taylor groaned as she felt herself naked, she looked to her side and saw A man. Oh my god. Taylor studied his face wearily and realized.

Oh my god.

She just slept with Harry fucking styles.

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